National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Laboratory diagnostics of larvae of anisakid nematodes
KOŽENÁ, Michaela
The aim of the study was to determine whether the digestion method was suitable for the detection of larvae of anisakid nematodes in raw or cooked (smoked) fish. The results showed the frequent occurrence of Anisakidae larvae in mackerel and herring sold at retail. The experiment also showed that the larvae could be detected even after using the digestion method. Most larvae were found in raw fish that had not been destroyed by heat treatment (e.g., smoking). An exceptional finding was the detection of live larvae in the digested muscle of chilled, uncooked mackerel Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, 1758. Subsequent genotyping revealed that the larvae were Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) sensu stricto. The contribution of this bachelor thesis is to raise public awareness of the potential risks of consuming undercooked fish.
Detekce virových zoonóz v biologických vzorcích z polárních oblastí
This work is focus on detection of zoonotic viruses from Greenland and Svalbard and it is divided into two parts. In the first part, the detection of the Sindbis virus genomic RNA was conducted in mosquitoes samples of Ochlerotatus nigripes collected in Svalbard and Greenland by using molecular biology methods. There was no repeatedly confirmed positive result of viral RNA in the mosquitoes samples. The presence of arboviruses in polar areas can not be completely excluded. However, the prevalence is very low so other researches are needed. In the second part, the screening of samples of cloacal swabs and samples of oropharyngeal swabs from seabird Rissa tridactyla collected in Svalbard was conducted to detect Avian Influenza A virus by using RT-qPCR. The positive result was not repeatedly confirmed as well as in case of Sindbis virus.
A comparative analysis of the isolates of Clostridioides difficile derived from different sources.
Eretová, Veronika ; Krůtová, Marcela (advisor) ; Ježek, Petr (referee)
Clostridioides difficile infections (CDI) are generally perceived as healtcare associated infections. However, there has been recently reported an increase of CDI incidence in the community. The occurrence of C. difficile has been described also in animals, food and the environment water and soil. The aim of this thesis was to characterize C. difficile isolates derived from different sources using molecular methods. The results were discussed with available data from Czech human C. difficile isolates. A total of 135 C. difficile isolates from the following sources were analyzed: pigs n = 57, calves n = 44, horses n = 18, water n = 15 and hedgehog. Using PCR ribotyping, 22 distinct ribotyping profiles were identified, the most frequently detected ribotypes were: 033, 011, 126, 078. Both toxigenic and non-toxigenic ribotypes were detected, including binary toxin-producing strains. The most frequently detected antimicrobial resistances were to ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, and erythromycin. All ribotypes and sequence types identified in the C. difficile isolates from animals and the environment, has been found also in C. difficile isolates from humans which confirms the role of animals and the environment as a source for C. difficile. However, no epidemic ribotype 001 and 176 that dominate the current...
Listeria sp.
Králíková, Lenka ; Vejsová, Marcela (advisor) ; Janďourek, Ondřej (referee)
Author: Lenka Králíková Title: Listeria spp. Bachelor thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hradec Králové Field of study: Medical Labolatory Background: The bachelor thesis aims to describe Listeria spp. Describe the division of genus, morphology and laboratory diagnostics. More attention is paid to Listeria monocytogenes as it is a major source of infection in humans. Another aim is to describe the occurrence of L. monocytogenes in food, its antigenic structure, pathogenesis and the disease it causes. Main findings: Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium present everywhere. It was found in fresh water, clay, plant material and waste water. The main source of infection for humans is contaminated food. They are most often found in unpasteurized milk, matured cheeses or poorly cooked meat or vegetables. Bacteria causes a disease called listeriosis, which is especially dangerous for newborns, elderly people, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals. The disease occurs rather sporadically. There was confirmed from 30 to 37 cases per year in the Czech Republic between years 2008-2017. There was also an epidemic in Africa in 2017-2018, it was the largest epidemic in the world. In the event of infection, both the laboratory and the physician are obliged to report the positivity...

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