National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Analýza změn územního systému ekologické stability komplexní pozemkovou úpravou
BÍCOVÁ, Markéta
This thesis deals with the analysis of the TSES changes by the complex landed adjustment. First of all, the terms of the landscape and the landscape ecology are defined in the literary survey by available literature. The greatest focus of the landscape ecology is connected with its functions and and its structure. TSES is described as well. This thesis analyzes elements of TSES biocentres, biocorridors within the chapter. Furthermore, this thesis describes some functions of the greenery in the landscape. The last part of the survey describes TSES in the landed adjustment and the definition of the landed adjustment on its own. The description of the territory was formulated this way: the basic characteristics of the territory, the natural characteristics of the territory and so on. Another chapter comes with the detailed methodology of the thesis. The results and the discussion are the last and the most important part of the thesis. Every element of the TSES in interest territory is described in a state of the draft, as the part of the complex landed adjustment and nowadays. Maps in attachment are enclosed to the results.
The functions of the territorial systems of the ecological stability in the agricultural landscape
BÍCOVÁ, Markéta
This thesis deals with the assessment of the TSES functions in the agricultural landscape. First of all, the terms of the landscape and the landscape ecology are defined in general. The greatest focus of the landscape ecology is connected with its functions and its structure. TSES is described as well. This thesis analyzes elements of TSES - biocentres, biocorridors and so on. The extreme areal parameters are given with these elements. Futhermore , this thesis describes some functions of the greenery in the landscape. The biggest attention is paid to the chapter of TSES in the landed adjustments. The successful realizations TSES projects in the territory of Czech republic are mentioned in the end of the thesis.
Multi-functionality of the territorial system of ecological stability
This thesis deals with appreciation of the contemporary landscape and the approaches to improve the conditions of sustainability an ecological stability. Currently landscape is increasingly fragmented and thus decreases its ecological stability. Remnants of landscape elements constitutes ecological skeleton, which is the basis of the territorial system of ecological stability (TSES). The aim of the TSES is interconnection of the landscape and increase its ecological stability by using biocenters, bio corridors and interactive elements, which are thanks their multi-functionality in the landscape irreplaceable.
Change of project TSES after land consolidation in the selected area
This thesis deals with the evaluation project changes and development of the territorial system of ecological stability after comprehensive landscaping, particularly in the cadastral territory Dynín. There was made an analysis of TSES elements before landscaping, situation which was made in the comprehensive landscaping and current situation, which was found with detailed reconnaissance in the area. All ganges were in the practical part of the thesis described and compared, possibly were designed improvement measures.
Influence of land adjustments on the degree of implementation inTerritorial system of ecological stability for cadastral in South Bohemian Region in the field of intensive agriculture
The aim of the work was to assess and evaluate the impact of a complex land adjustment for the implementation of the territorial system of ecological stability in the selected cadastral territory. The assessment was done by comparison of the state territorial system of ecological stability before and after implementation of land adjustment. Revisions were made in the field, whether the elements perform their function. Measures were proposed based on this revision, which may serve as recommendations for the management of composite parts. Revisions were made in the field, whether the elements perform their function. For this purpose was chosen cadastral territory Dynín in South Bohemia. It was found by the selected methodology that the environmental stability of the complex land adjustment did not change. The hypothesis that land adjustment affects the ecological stability, was therefore confirmed.
Land adjustment evaluation in light of ecological stability in Southern bohemia.
The thesis deals with the influence of completed projects on land consolidation in the ecological stability of a territory. In cooperation with the relevant land offices was selected a set of land adjustments with an increased intensity to environmental stability. This file was differentiated into degrees of stability of the area and an ecological stability of the land was calculated. A framework of ecological stability was defined . After a field research, a functionality of each elements of TSES was evaluated. The actual situation with and the project of land consolidation were compared. Measures to maintain ecological stability were proposed as well as other possible stabilization for the area, that are feasible within the land adjustment.

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