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Physiotherapeutic procedures affecting muscular dysbalance in patients after mastectomy
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of muscle dysbalance in patients after mastectomy and the possible impact of some physiotherapuetic methods and excercises. The most common issues that plague post-mastectomy patients are upper-crossed syndrome and range of motion limitations in the affected shoulder. The muscle dysbalance in them may be caused by the chirurgical intervention when the breast is removed. This afflicts the soft tissue in chest and the shoulder girdle. The muscle dysbalance is accompained by pain cervical spine and thoracic spine. This shows that some muscles are contracted and in higher tension and the other are weakened. The muscles that should provide protective support to girdles and spine do not function sufficiently and are not able to keep the balance. The movement is made uneconomically and consequently some muscles are overload. The thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical one and a practical one. The theoretical part describes the muscle anatomy, muscle dysbalance and the impact of physiotherapuetic methods as well as the diagnostics outline. The practical part is based on qualitative research. With the help of three casuistries it informs about the positive impact of physiotheraphy of muscle dysbalance in patients after mastectomy based on kinesiologic examination and the endeavour at influencing this dysbalance with the help of a combination of chosen physiotherapeutic methods.
Informing Women About Breast Cancer Issues
Strnisková, Aneta ; Pavlíková, Pavla (advisor) ; Fanta, Michael (referee)
The work has theoretical and empirical character. The theoretical part deals with general introduction to the anatomy and development of female breast, here are shown some risk factors for breast cancer, its prevention, symptoms and current possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The last chapter deals with the after treatment care and psychosocial aspects. The goal of the empirical part is to uncover the awareness of women about breast cancer issues and how women follow the prevention of breast cancer. To accomplish the research I used a quantitative questionnaire method. The sample consisted of 100 respondents. According to the research it is clear that most women believe that they are sufficiently informed about the issue of breast cancer, but only 15% of the respondents correctly identified the symptoms of breast cancer, 31% of women surveyed knew the basic preventive examinations in this disease. The research also shows that more than 50% of the women perform self-examination of the breasts and more than 90% of the respondents had visited their gynecologist. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting women in the Czech Republic, and women should be informed on this issue as much as possible. The sooner the disease is caught, the more favorable is prognoz. Keywords:...
Physiotherapy at Patiens after Breast Cancer
The breast cencer is the world's most common cancer among women. It affects about 6 % of them and it is registered approximately 600 thousand new cases of the disease every year. The situation is not so satisfactory as well in the Czech Republic. It has been contained about 6500 new cases a year in recent years and about 2000 women die of this disease. The breast cancer is one of the disease which unfortunately can not be predicted or prevented. Despite this it is a type of cancer which can lead in most cases to cure the patient if it is soon detected. It is used the self-examination method for the soon detection of cancer which women should regularly realize and especially mammography screening. The treatment of breast cancer is linked to the emergence of certain problems that complicate subsequent convalescence of the patient. If it appears there are options how to fight them. It can be also prevented or at least significantly reduced. The issue of breast cancer is still very actual and it is the reason why I chose topic "Patients' physiotherapy after breast cancer treatment." for this bachelor thesis. This work consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts related to cancer, its development and anatomy. It also deals with the issue of breast cancer from etiology of the disease, the influence of risk factors and diagnosis to therapy. It also describes the risk of postoperative complications related to surgical procedure on the breast and removal lymph node and the possibility prevent these problems or fight effectively with appropriate therapy. Practical part of work includes monitoring of postoperative changes on patients with surgical procedure on breast and the therapy description focused on the prevention of formation of complications linked to surgical procedure or removal of already existing problems. The collection of primary data was carried out qualitative way through case studies, it was chosen the methodology of interview, observation (kinesiology analysis) and analysis of personal health documents. The research group consisted of two patients diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent surgical procedure at the Department of Surgery Hospitals Czech Budejovice, a. s. The goal in this work was determined to describe the effect of physiotherapy in the prevention of postoperative problems related to surgical procedure for cancer removal. Together with the aim of work the following research question was determined: What are the contributions of physiotherapy in the prevention of postoperative symptoms in patients with breast cancer? In both patients the therapy managed to achieve a functional and painless movement of the shoulder joint and the upper limbs on the affected side, free mobility in the thoracic region and improved breathing stereotype. There has been a release of abbreviated and strengthening of weak muscle groups. We also managed to release the postoperative scars, while the patients were instructed how to treat them in the future. Contribution physiotherapy is therefore positive. Patients were also educated on the need for regular exercise even after warming up arms and got recommendations for the care of the upper limb, diet, hygiene, sports or doing housework. The results of the research part showed that the implementation of physiotherapy in patients after surgery for breast cancer has a positive effect in the prevention of postoperative complications, thereby has accomplished the goal of the work. Bachelor thesis will be used by physiotherapists for completion of information about the possibilities of rehabilitation after breast cancer treatment and also as educational material for patients and others interested in this issue.
Use of support groups of patiens after breast surgery
PETRŮ, Lenka
Use of support groups for breast surgery patients This thesis examines the importance of support groups in the lives of women after breast surgery. In these modern times, there are more cases of disease won and fought not so his life. All thanks to the timely capture of the tumor. Still does not diminish the number of patients. The theoretical part of my work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with breast cancer. Thus, especially breast cancer, its treatment, which is divided into several species. A nursing care, which includes not only physical but also psychological aspect of man. In the second part was to define the term support group. And a few selected groups, their goals and services offered and provided to people with various diseases. Two goals were set. The first objective was to investigate the reasons for support groups, and the second objective was to determine their contribution to patients after breast surgery. Research was conducted by interview, conducted with patients attending the breast after surgery support group Arcus-Life in Czech Budejovice. Were determined two research questions. Research question 1: What are the reasons for support groups of patients after breast surgery? The answers showed that the reasons for the use of support groups are more, but the main reason is the sense of belonging and security. Research question 2: How patients perceive the benefits of breast surgery in the use of support groups? Patients from support groups in the Czech Budejovice reported as a contribution from the same understanding of female patients, the possibility of answering many questions, valuable advice and tried and tested tips. Based on the results leaflet was created, which can be used not only in support groups, but also in departments where there may be these patients such as surgery, oncology. The leaflet set out the reasons why a group visit, a group what they can offer and what they can get in the group.
Radiotherapy of breast cancer
Diagnosis code C50 represents malignant neoplasm of breast. It is the most frequent tumour disease in women. In 2009, 5975 cases were newly diagnosed in women in the Czech Republic and 1607 women died of this disease. There exist many risk factors which can cause tumour such as hereditary disposition, age, menses, menopause and other factors. At the same time, we can influence many factors and so prevent the disease. Prevention is also important, whether in the form of self - investigation of breast or mammography screening, which is recoverable by insurance from the age of 45. Treatment of breast carcinoma includes a lot of medical modalities such as surgical, hormonal and biological treatment, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This thesis deals in more details with radiotherapy which is irreplaceable in treatment of this disease. Radiotherapy is a treatment of malignant and benign tumours by means of ionising radiation. In order to treat patients with radiotherapy, a team of doctors and radiologists shall create an individual radiation plan for them including the exact target volume, critical organs, radiation technology, fractionation and particular radiation exposure, radiation position and many other data necessary to accurate irradiation. A technology of two tangential fields is the most applied technology at breast cancer treatment. This technology is also applied in Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s. where I have created a file of 60 patients with breast carcinoma treated on oncology department in the year 2011. There have been used 536 verification images on the whole, it means 1608 evaluation. In course of treatment a patient should have an identical radiation position, which is reached with irradiation and fixation aids. However, from various reasons small or bigger deviations from the optimal position happen and therefore a possibility of irradiation of another volume than the required target one can occur. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that during a treatment of oncology patients there can often appear change of weight, change of body shape of a patient and at advanced stages even also change of physical state and movability of a patient. Therefore large deviations can happen in patients with breast carcinoma namely for example in case of breast deformation or abnormal loss of weight due to the treatment. In Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s., the maximum allowed deviation for vertical, lateral and longitudinal axis is stated 0,7 cm and for rotation 3°. I have noticed the acquired deviation values from verification images into a chart and consequently into a figure where are shown the average deviations and frequencies of these deviation in particular axes for each radiation field. The biggest deviation has happened in vertical axis and the average deviation in that axis was 0,29 cm. The maximum allowed deviation was exceeded only at 3 %, so at 45 deviation from the total evaluation. This thesis should prove the fact that verification images enable to prevent possible errors during radiotherapy. This hypothesis has been confirmed because only 3 % evaluation exceeded the maximum allowed deviations. Verification images enable us to disclose wrong irradiation position, therefore only the target volume is irradiated and follows no irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissue and critical organs.
The role of the nurse taking care of patients with breast cancer.
The actual issue regarding the female population consists in a high incidence of pathological breast findings that can be benign but even most frequently malign. For my bachelor thesis, I chose the theme "The Role of a Nurse in Providing Nursing Care for Women with Breast Tumors", because these issues remain still topical. Basic theoretical grounds of the thesis describe female breast anatomy and pathology. They inform us about problems regarding the causes of the tumor disease and the most common symptoms of the disease. The use of up-to-date diagnostic methods (primarily mammography) and their wide accessibility within a screening program take a significant part in a high percentage of early detected stages of the disease. Breast tumor surgery belongs to the operations demanding from both physical and psychic aspects. The role of a general nurse in providing preoperative and primarily postoperative care is important. A nurse provides a complex nursing care, observes nursing care principles to satisfy individual patient? needs. A nurse does not forget to give information, minds the education, sympathetic access and psychic support of a patient. This bachelor thesis was devoted to the issues of a nurse role in providing postoperative nursing care to patients with breast tumor. The first objective was to describe specific aspects of nursing care in patients after surgery for breast tumor. The second objective was to find out the role of a nurse within a postoperative period in patients with breast tumor. Two research questions were set to fulfill those objectives. The first research question: "Which specific nursing activities does a nurse perform within a postoperative period in patients after breast surgery?" The second research question: "What role does a nurse hold within a postoperative period in patients with breast tumor?" A qualitative research inquiry was used to process the research part of this bachelor thesis. A semi-structured interview was used as a data collection method. The research inquiry was performed in the Department of Surgery of the České Budějovice Hospital, Inc. The first research question surveyed specific nursing activities of nurses performed in patients after surgery for breast tumor. The answers showed that nurses were familiar with specific nursing activities which they performed within postoperative period in patients with breast tumor. Specific aspects described by both the nurses and patients are narrowly associated with the intervention they underwent and which is specific itself. The second research question found out the roles of a nurse within a postoperative period in patients with breast tumor. From the results of answers given by both nurses and patients is clear that the following roles of a nurse were fulfilled: a communicator, an educator and a bearer of changes. Some educational and illustrative tools (silicone breast phantom for the self-examination instruction) intended for nursing personnel are one of the possibilities how to achieve an effective application of nursing interventions in breast tumor prevention and how to help nurses to improve the relation of communication and education on these issues. The results of my bachelor thesis could be used as an information material that could serve to an improvement of the quality and effectiveness in nursing care for the experienced nurses as well as for beginning ones who meet such patients at their job. The results of my research inquiry could be used as basic material to elaborate some lecture for a professional seminary or conference intended for nurses.
Breast cancer
Gablerová, Pavlína ; Střítecký, Rudolf (advisor) ; Križan, Karol (referee)
In this work the topic of breast cancer treated more generally and mainly focused on risk factors for the development. The theoretical part describes the general knowledge about breast cancer as a stage or treatment. The practical part is to have clarified the risk factors that have some bearing on the diagnosis of breast cancer. What level are involved in the probability of occurrence? Can we eliminate them? As a comparison of risk factors examined in the Czech Republic, England, Australia and the United States.

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