National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Theory and practices of fire prevention and civic defense at basic schools
Vybíralová, Zuzana ; Spálenková, Marta (referee) ; Novák, Jaromír (advisor)
Theoretical basis is compiled (laws, notices, projects). Detailed description of preventive educational activity in fire prevention and civic defense in basic schools project Hasík is given. Improvements in children's knowledge level after introducing the project into education system are assessed. Further improvements are suggested.
Theory and practices of fire prevention and civic defense at basic schools
Vybíralová, Zuzana ; Spálenková, Marta (referee) ; Novák, Jaromír (advisor)
Theoretical basis is compiled (laws, notices, projects). Detailed description of preventive educational activity in fire prevention and civic defense in basic schools project Hasík is given. Improvements in children's knowledge level after introducing the project into education system are assessed. Further improvements are suggested.

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