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Specific nutriton as a means of own self-creation of human pesonality - athletes. Case Study
TEPLÁ, Kateřina
Modern times bring a number of new views on the perception of the meaning and role of nutrition in human life. Observing the current lifestyle we can see considerable differences in particular individuals. This work deals with the problem of specific nutrition in connection with a regular sport activity as contributory factors which create the lifestyle of a sportsperson. This work concentrates on the individual for whom the strict and specifically focused nutrition in connection with a regular sports activity creates an inherent part of their life and is therefore the way to fulfillment ? to self-assembly in numerous directions. The goal of this work was to describe the composition of diet and its changes connected to different stages of a sportsman´s ? body-builder´s training plan. To map possible bio.psycho-social consequences. For the implementation of this research a qualitative research strategy was chosen. The research was carried out as a case study. The reference file has been made of a couple of sportspeople-body-builders. A woman and a man representing the current trend of fitness ? body-building followers for whom the connection of sport and well-focused nutrition represents one of their life´s values. The research was implemented in a wider timeframe, in a frame from May 2012 to January 2013. Semi-structured interviews, observation, evidence of different personal documents and activity results were used as data collecting methods. For the data analysis a qualitative analysis of written-down interviews, observations and personal documents, and activity results was carried out. From the conducted research of the particular case it was further found out that the nutrition of a body-builder changes during the different stages of the training preparation, even in rapid ways. Changes of the total amount of food, the change of the ratio or amounts of particular nutrients as well as changes in the choice of consumed food are observable. The observed changes of the sportspeople´s eating correspond with the theoretical knowledge given in the theoretical part of this work. At the bulk stage of this work the eating of the observed couple was characterized by a relatively high intake of energy, especially as the permanently higher intake of carbohydrates, a high intake of proteins and out of all the stages by the highest demanded feed of fat. In the cutting phase of the preparation the food of the observed couple was characterized, on the average, by a lower intake of energy, especially thanks to the limitation of the intake of carbohydrates, by the same or higher amount of proteins than at the bulk stage. The intake of fat in the man´s food basically didn´t change, but the woman decreased the amount of received fat compared to the bulk stage. At the final stage of the preparation the food of the woman was absolutely specific. During the resting and recovery phase of the preparation the eating of the observed couple did not show any strictly given requirements. Out of the research results it is clear that the sportspeople´s approach to food is varied, it differs according to the phase of training preparation. Food can be therefore either an enjoyment or the need to a sportsperson. For the observed couple, food isn´t a taboo. This specific and to some extent extreme lifestyle brings certain positives and certain risks with it. This work can be used as an information material for nutrition therapists focused on working with sportspeople, and for informing sportspeople themselves as well as the wider society about the possibilities of the effects of extremes in nutrition.

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