Search term Family house U shaped inside index keyword did not match any record. Nearest terms in any collection are:
2   Family house Timberwork Frame construction
2   Family house Triple-storey Residential attic With basement Masonry walls Ferroconcrete ceiling Saddle roof Continuous footing strips
2   Family house Two above-ground floor building Vacation rentals Flat roof Cast-in-place reinforced concrete staircase
2   Family house Two floors house Housing units Vegetation flat roof Brick Blocks POROTHERM
2   Family house Two floors Timber load bearing structure Column Joist Truss Purlin system
2   Family house Wheelchair users Partly basement Brick fittings Hipped roof Flat roof
2   Family house with a basement office
2   Family house with a bicycle repair shop
2   Family house with a business activity
1   Family house with a business facility