National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Fair trade v ČR
Řezáčová, Hana
This barchelor thesis deals with the characteristics of the application of the concept of Fair Trade in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part contains the very concept of Fair Trade, its origin and development up to the present context, fair trade and sustainable development and the implications of international trade for developing countries. The work also defines the system of Fair Trade business in the Czech Republic and its social significance. The work focuses primarily on issues of standards and compliance. Describes the issue of gaining membership in the trade system of Fair Trade and Fairtrade Mark. The practical part is an analysis of the application of the concept of Fair Trade in the Czech Republic and its social perception. Next, the paper contains a comparative analysis Fair Trade standards applied in the Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis also focuses on selected initiatives to promote Fair Trade in the Czech Republic.
Vnímání fair trade produktů studenty ZF JU
This bachelor thesis finds out what is the awareness of fair trade among students of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and it also finds out what students know about fair trade and how they perceive it. The literature overview contains the necessary information to get acquainted with the fair trade idea and the movement itself, and in addition there is a theory of marketing research. The part with my own work contains hypotheses and results of a questionnaire survey, which was conducted among students of the already mentioned faculty.
Fairtrade in international companies
Lakoštíková, Eliška ; Dvořák, Antonín (advisor) ; Kolínský, Ondřej (referee)
This bachelor´s thesis is dedicated to the issue of Fairtrade certification in international companies. The main objective is to analyse the benefits of obtaining certification for chosen companies and the impact on their image considering attitudes and consumer awareness of Fairtrade trademark. Thesis is divided into three chapters. The aim of the first chapter is to familiarize the reader with the term fair trade, its historical development and to focus more closely on the role and activities of the World Fair Trade Organization. The second chapter concentrates on Fairtrade certification, specifically FLOCERT, the main certification and controlling body, and Fairtrade International. The chapter describes the process and criteria for obtaining certification, and the last subchapter informs the reader about the three basic types of Fairtrade trademark. The third chapter consists of a questionnaire on consumer awareness about Fairtrade trademark and analysis of companies, such as Ben & Jerry´s a Pfanner. Information about companies was obtained through publicly available resources and individual interviews with representatives of these companies. The synthesis of the results of these two researches fulfilled the main goal of this thesis.

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