National Repository of Grey Literature 127 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Výskyt patogenů rodu Phytophthora ve vodních tocích na území Školního lesního podniku Křtiny
Frejlichová, Lucie
Pathogens of Phytophthora spp. are causing substantial damages of agricultural and forests ecosystems. Many of Phytophthora spp. are dispersed by water sources. The aim of the master thesis was to study the distribution of the Phytophthora pathogens in Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny (TFE) of Mendel University in Brno and examine the role of land use (woodlands, settlements, water reservoirs) in dispersal of pathogens. Two creeks were investigated for occurrence of pathogens: the Křtinský creek and the Melatín. The sampling sites were evenly located along the water sources and three isolation methods were used for sampling: 1) Collecting of partially decomposed leaves floating on the water surface. 2) Baiting method using the rafts from styrene foam filled by fresh leaves from plants growing around sampling site. The leaves were harvested after 4 days of floating. 3) Soil collected on the banks of the creeks. The soil samples were used for baiting in laboratory using the fresh leaves (Quercus suber). The Phytophthora isolates were cultivated first on PARPH selective medium, later subcultured on V8 nonselective medium to obtain pure culture. Isolates were determinated according to culture morphology and by DNA barcoding – sequencing of ITS region of ribosomal RNA gene. Most of isolates obtained by the first and second isolation methods are P. gonapodyides and P. lacustris – usually saprotrophic or occasionally pathogenic native species. These two species are widespread in natural ecosystems through Europe. Other four species are as follows: P. bilorbang – occasional pathogen, P. sp. raspberry/organica – species undescribed yet and two pathogenic species P. cactorum and P. plurivora causing serious damages of plants. All of these four species were obtained by using the isolation method from soil. These four species were detected only at minority of sampling sites. The relationship between occurrence of these pathogens and land use has not been found.
Zásady zakladania, pestovania a obnovy ochranných lesných pásov
Kollár, Miloš
The work focuses on the principles of establishment, cultivation and restoration of forest protection belts. In global concept we record that as population increase, the proportion of forests on earth decreases. One of the protective forms (systems), that are implemented are forest protection belts, that restore balance to disturbed forests (zones, places).The work is systematically structured while after opening (introductory) chapters the fourth chapter is dealing with establishment and cultivation forest problem, moreover it includes (contains) terms (concepts) and their definitions. The fifth chapter is dealing with efficiency and division of forest protection zones. The main attention is paid to the sixth chapter specifically to the principles of establishment, cultivation and renewal of forest protection belts. The aim (goal) was to process literary recherche (research) in terms of establishment, cultivation and renewal of forest protection zones and the develompment of framework principles for selected types od habitats.
Požáry lesních ekosystémů
Kettnerová, Tereza
The topic of this bachelor thesis is to get acquainted with the issue of forests ecosystem fires in Czech Republic, especially in the world and their severity and preventive measures associated with them. The work is of the background research type. The introductory part is dedicated to basic concepts such as fire, forest, or the division of fires. The second part deals with the history of fires in Australia and the USA, particularly in California. The third part discusses the environmental, socio-economic and health impacts of fires and the last part deals with policy and organizations.
Prostorová distribuce napajedel pro zvěř v Kraji Vysočina
Dvořáková, Šárka
The main topic of this bachelor's thesis is the construction of watering holes in forests, fields and permanent grasslands in the Vysočina Region. In my descriptive part I deal with the water cycle in the named area, the landscape of the Vysočina region, the water elements in this landscape and subsequently the water - game relationship. I justify the need to maximize the number of watering holes, which are very unevenly distributed to zero, and in the discussion I draw attention to the dangers arising from their absence. I list the weaknesses of the information system and bring suggestions to eliminate them, as well as to correct the current situation - increasing the number of watering holes.
Porovnání dutinové fauny různých dřevin v okolí Ledče nad Sázavou
Slezáková, Radka
The aim of this qualifying thesis was observed the selected cavities disposed on the two adjacent areas in the forest for a one year, at monthly intervals. Influence of individual tree species on the invertebrates and birds. Traps which I used were made from newspapers and rarely I used method with a sieve. The monitoring was conducted on nine tree species, nineteen cavities for invertebrates and two cavities for birds. 311 pieces of invertebrates were captured which of 206 were spiders most abundant by Clubionidae. 15 species of spiders were determined, mainly specie was Clubiona stagnatilis (Kulczyński, 1897) represented by 28 pieces. In the bird cavities I observed Sturnus vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Sitta europaea (Linnaeus, 1758) and Lophophanes cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758). As the richest month of the results with capture invertebrates was November 2018.
Zhodnocení výskytu dřevních hub a jejich vliv na zdravotní stav lesa na vybraném území lesní správy Vodňany
Flandera, Robert
The thesis aimes to provide an evaluation of the health status of a forest administered by Forest Administration Vodňany in the proximity of Blatná town. The evaluation is aimed to propose the decision whether to regenerate the forest with European spruce, which is currently the dominant tree species there, or whether different Tree species should be planted there. The results show a high incidence of wood-decaying fungi. The wood-decaying fungi significantly disturb of the forest, the most common species are Armillaria ostoyae, Pholiota squarrosa, Heterobasidon annosum, Postia stiptica, Fomitopsis pinicola and Coniophora puteana. With demonstrable symptoms of wood fungal infection. Approximately one third of the Norway spruces trees have disease symptoms associated with the wood decaying fungi in the area of interest. Another factor that negatively affects the health conditions of the forest is of bark beetle outbreak. The results revealed that Norway spruces in the locality have significantly decreased health and vitality. Other tree species, occurring in the locality, such Sessile oak, Scots pine and European larch do not show symptoms of infections of wood-decaying fungi. Therefore, Norway spruce is not recommended to be planted in monocultures in the locality. The species could be planted only as an amixed species in suitable sites.
Návrh interiéru hospody s loveckou a mysliveckou tématikou
Horák, Dominik
The topic of this work is the design of a public interior of a pub with hunting themes. Part of this work is the design of the space, which is located in the smaller town of Úštěk in northern Bohemia. This town lies between the two district towns of Litoměřice and Česká Lípa. This space is located in an older building on the main road, near the central square. It currently serves as a restaurant. Since this is an old realization, I decided to revive this space with my solution of the interior design of this building. The specific space is the main room and the adjoining rooms of the restaurant. A part of this draft is also a new solution of adjacent toilets.
Using of the potential of the Šumava National Park in environmental education in kindergarten.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to make a program with activities that help children get closer to life in the Šumava. I seek not only to provide children with an opportunity to explore the beauty of nature but also to stimulate their interest in environmental protection. Through diverse activities and interactive approaches, I aim to shape children's respect for nature, awareness of biodiversity, and a sense of responsibility for the sustainability of our planet. At the same time, I strive to create a space for joyful and educational experiences that will inspiringly guide children through the beauties of the natural environment, thereby fostering their positive relationship with the environment. In the theoretical part, I focus on the Šumava and Šumava National Park, covering topics such as its history, settlement, protected species, and landmarks. The practical part includes a program based on activities that not only focus on life in the Šumava National Park but also on life in nature in general. Therefore, it can be utilized in other educational institutions. All activities are complemented by their own practical evaluation.
Nature-oriented teaching programme for primary schools in Prachatice
This thesis contains of two designed nature-science field trips for the fourth grade and two for the fifth grade. These trips are focused on ecosystem of the forest and ecosystem of the meadows. They are intended for schools in the vicinity of Prachatice. Thesis contains field trips diaries, for every variant of the field trips. They are compiled on the basis of an excursion at a primary school in Prachatice. The tested walk is also the content of the thesis. Its goal is to offer teachers activities for pupils and through it to motivate them towards a positive relationship with nature, strengthening knowledge and skills and getting to know the environment in which they live.
Pine. Watercolors loosely inspired by the work of Antonín Slavíček.
The first chapter of the theoretical part of this bachelor thesis is devoted to an outline of the art-historical development of the depiction of the forest, with the foundations of this research based on the landscape painting development and the way the society of the mentioned periods viewed the forest. This chapter describes selected periods from prehistoric times to the present and mentions some artists who have dealt with the subject in their work. The second chapter describes the life and work of Antonín Slavíček, with a bigger focus on his paintings of forest interiors. In the practical part, the author focuses on the painting of pine forests, where she is freely inspired by Slavíček's artistic expressions and uses the theoretical background presented in the first chapter of the theoretical part of the bachelor thesis.

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