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Forms of Regional Co-operation in the Light of the Promotion of Production
At the beginning of the year 2008 I chose the topic for my bachelor diploma paper {\clq}"Forms of Regional Co-operation in the Light of the Promotion of Production". I have chosen the group called LAG Strakonicko which is a Local Action Group located in my home town Strakonice. I have found out that activity of this group is based on the cooperation on the tripartite basis (public administration, non-profit making organizations and businessmen). To gain money from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development for projects mentioned in LEADER strategy plan a group should prove its existing activity in accordance with LEADER rules and it should have a carefully prepared LEADER strategy plan. The common vision of all members of LAG Strakonicko including a four village association (the Region of Middle Otava, the Region of Lower Otava, Strakonice Region and Šumava Podlesí) is the vital countryside which will be inspired by its history and tradition of the given regions and which will continue in its development and which will use its current potential at the same time. From my point of view the manager LAG Strakonicko Bc. Jiřina Karasová and her assistant Ing. Věra Dědíková are right people at the right place because they know everything about the region they are working in, they know all legal rules and mainly they work with enthusiasm on promotion and regional development. One part on my research was a questionnaire among businessmen who are not members of MAS. Local farmers were the most informed among the interviewees, other businessmen mostly did not know anything about the activities or they did not know anything about the existence they of this group at all. The interviewees see the biggest negatives in demanding administrative work on application forms, bureaucracy, problems with project application forms and financing in advance. The last part of my research was a questionnaire among businessmen who are members of MAS. I have found out that approximately 33,3% of the members were founders. For 83,3% of interviewees the membership in MAS met their expectations. The results of the survey show that the membership in MAS is advantageous for businessmen at least concerning the LAG Strakonicko. The proves of this fact are successfully approved and financially encouraged projects ``Country market-hall{\crq}q and ``Strategic plan LEADER 2007 {--} 2013{\crq}q. A great variety of prepared projects will be carried out thanks to gained financial support. The above mentioned projects include for example, renovation of a hand carved bee house and its functional regeneration, mile restoration and many other interesting projects influencing a successful regional development.

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