National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Uzavřený prostor duše v příbězích E. A. Poea a Chrise Priestleyho
The diploma thesis deals with the comparative analysis of selected works by E. A. Poe and Chris Priestley. The thesis focuses primarily on the theme of the closed space and its effect on the psychological states of the characters. The first part of the thesis deals with the basic features of the development of Anglo-American Gothic literature and the characteristics of children's fantasy literature. It also introduces the lives of Poe and Priestley and the main themes in their works. The analysis compares the function of the closed space in the works of both authors. Attention is paid to the connection of this type of space and the oppressive states of the soul. The interpretation focuses on particular examples of the inner and outer space and on the description of the horror atmosphere.

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