National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection
Crháková, Blanka ; Růžička, Michal (advisor) ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (referee)
 The name of the thesis: The relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection This diploma thesis deals in a complex way with the system of relationship between trademark protection and copyright protection within Czech law. The diploma thesis is based mainly on two acts - Act No. 121/2000 Coll., On copyright protection, and Act No. 441/2003 Coll., On trademark protection. It also reflects European law including actual case-law. The main goal of the thesis is to show how both protections work, their mutual relation, eventually how and in which situations their convergence happens and what can be the consequences of it from the protection point of view. In the first chapter of my thesis we find introduction that brings the subject to the topic, including aim of the thesis. After that comes seven main chapters and a final conclusion. Initially in chapter two and three of my thesis, I define the basic concepts dealing with Intellectual property and law related to intangible property. Subsequently description of the simultaneous operation of both protections is discussed and based on that their similarities and differences are highlighted. The focus is on analysis of both protections, subjects of both protections, their beneficiaries, formation, duration, means and international...
Convergence of Copyright and Trademark Protection
Fischer, Jan ; Žikovská, Petra (advisor) ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with intellectual property and discusses the legislation of copyright law, trademark law and their possible convergence. The aim of the thesis is to introduce the basic attributes of the two individual pieces of legislation, to show the foundations on which copyright law and trademark law stand and thus to define their common and completely different characters. The thesis is divided into an introduction that brings the subject to the topic, four main chapters and a final conclusion. The first chapter deals with the theoretical context of copyright law and trademark law in the areas of intellectual property rights, intangible property and constitutional establishment in the Czech Republic. In the following two chapters, the two mentioned protections are discussed in more detail. The chapters have a similar classification that helps to understand the individual copyright and trademark elements. Here are described legal regulations both in the international, European and valid law of the Czech Republic and they focus in more detail on the main concepts such as the author, the author's work, trademark, effects or registration proceedings. Important part are also the subchapters on protection options. The fourth chapter is devoted to the main topic of this study, the convergence of...

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