National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Physical-geographical aspects of vegetation succession and soil development with focus on abandoned mining sites
Zamazalová, Kateřina ; Chuman, Tomáš (advisor) ; Zádorová, Tereza (referee)
The thesis focuses on the background research of pedogenesis and vegetation succession within a primary succession. An attention is paid to abandoned mining sites. The role of a rock sub-soil is emphasized. The found facts was examined on samples, where the dependency of pH and amount of organic carbon in soil on substrate and type of vegetation was examined. Statistically significant differences in soil and vegetation development on different substrates were not found, however there was observed the influence of carbonate substrate from neighborhood. This substrate allowed in a sililic quarry a formation of nutrient rich vegetation similar to that described in limestone quarries. Humidity of the soil and groundwater table depth were suggested as more determining in vegetation succesion, especially in life forms domination. Primary successsion was influenced by neighborhood of the area in many aspects.
Anthracological analysis of chernozems in Czechia
Danková, Lenka ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Zádorová, Tereza (referee)
This thesis deals with a pedogenesis of chernozems in Czechia (Central Europe). It solves a problem with open landscapes in Central Europe, further a role of man and fires in formation of this soils and relation between colour of chernozems and the content of black carbon. In my thesis is represented pedoanthracology as a method, which can be useful for future study of open landscapes in Central Europe and for an influence of man. In this thesis, there were also analysed two chernozemic soils with Raman spektrometry. It was found out, that chernozems was probably formed under forest-steppe vegetation with residue of post glacial steppe. Anthropogenic activity and fires could be new factors of pedogenesis of Central European chernozems. It was showed a strong relation between colour and content of BC. Raman spectrometry found a presence of BC in our analysed soils.
Change in the soil cover structure caused by soil sealing of land: an example from the hinterland of Prague.
Duchoslavová, Eva ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Zádorová, Tereza (referee)
The quality of soil intended for the housing development is the topic of diploma thesis. Frequently, the local soil of the highest quality is built on. For the purpose of this thesis there were 5 model areas defined: these are the areas of Roudnice, Říčany, Slaný, Vlašim, and Kolín. The thesis describes the quality of soil which is built on in these areas. The extent of housing development in these areas is specified on the basis of landscape plans. As such, it is possible to determine the quality of soil intended for the future housing development. Moreover, the thesis deals with the legislative protection of soil. Keywords: BPEJ, landscape plan, occupy soil, areas of Roudnice, Říčany, Slaný, Vlašim, Kolín
Paleosols of Zemechy Loess Ravine
Vejrostová, Lenka ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Zádorová, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with paleosols of Zemechy loess ravine. It is divided into three main parts. In the first part the issue of paleopedology, position of soil in Quarternary cycle of climate and sedimentation and methods of study of paleosols are being dealt with. Next part of the bachelor thesis is concerned with methods and data sources used in the thesis. Its main purpose is to give basic characteristics about the region of interest. In the third part of the thesis information and facts obtained are summarized and discussed. Outcome of the thesis is to characterize paleosols of Zemechy loess ravine (aim of the thesis) and a basis for future work of the author. Key words: paleopedology, fossil soils, Quarternary, Zemechy loess ravine, Kralupy nad Vltavou
Soil and terrain changes as a result of increased erosion and accumulation processes in selected locations
Votýpka, Jan ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Zádorová, Tereza (referee)
Soil and terrain changes as a result of increased erosion and accumulation processes in selected locations Abstract Colluvial soils are formed in areas with increased intensity of soil erosion. Colluvial soils originate as a result of their position in terrain, they are usually found in places where has accumulated erosion material. Very often they are to be found at the around of slopes. Their accumulation horizon is deeper than 25 cm with a great amount of organic carbon buried in it. In my diploma thesis I will attempt to take a closer look at three locations, each having different types of dominant soils. The aim of this diploma thesis is to rebuild the original shape of the terrain before the beginning of the soil erosion process. Keywords: colluvial soil, soil erosion, soil accumulation, land use, digital terrain model (DTM)

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