National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Studie možností nakládání s biologicky rozložitelným odpadem ve městě Znoj
Vymětal, Martin
This thesis analyzes the possibilities of handling biodegradable municipal waste in Znojmo. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts of biodegradable waste, legislative regulations and possibilities of handling biodegradable waste. The practical part describes the current state of bio-waste management in Znojmo. Using a questionnaire survey and qualitative assessment of projects used in the Znojmo city with the SWOT analysis, recommendations that can improve the current state of bio-waste management in the Znojmo city are proposed
The psalms' rhetoric of suffering
Jonczy, Roman ; Sláma, Petr (advisor) ; Vymětal, Mikuláš (referee)
Psalms have fascinated many for centuries. They are the prayers of the people of Israel, widely used in Christianity as well. The psalms are not only a source of inspiration but above all the concentrated experience of those, who call themselves Jehovah's worshipers. The concentrated experience of life presents many shocking testimonie about the relationship between man and God, especially if one is experiencing suffering and God becomes the only true source of salvation to a man facing a hopeless situation. The person refers to this source in his speech, and he recites his requests and his calls. This thesis attempts to examine and approach the mechanism of the speech of the Psalmist, who, in his crisis, reverts to the fact that he believes God will free him from this situation. The theologians Walter Brueggeman and Claus Westrmann contributed to the mapping of this mechanism by extraordinary insights, from which the author of this work also draws. In this thesis I describe the phases of complaints and praises, each of which consists of individual steps: addressing, complaining, pleading, motivation, cursing but also assurance of hearing, promise and praise. Keywords Bruggemann, Westrmann, psalm, psalmist, old testament,crisis, suffering, prayer, complaint, plea, motivation, curse, praise, God,...
The Widows and Orphans as the Embodiment of Weaknessand Powerlessness: an Old Testament Wiew
Krčková, Dagmara ; Sláma, Petr (advisor) ; Vymětal, Mikuláš (referee)
This bachelor thesis solve a position of widows and orphans according to the Old Testament. Widows and orphans epitomize weakness and helplessness from this view. In thesis I analyse citations from Bible in which widows and orphans are demonstrated as a underprivileged groups. In thesis I present as well others underprivileged groups: slaves, levijs, homelesses and foreigners. Next I show how was exercitation social rules in the care of human, which is in onerous situation, according to the Old Testament. Social move doesn't not only about preservation of life, but about welfare of life too. In thesis I present tradition in care of weakness human in Jewish Community, which are preserved for centuries. And I open a question if could be this tradition in care of weakness human an inspiration for today. Powered by TCPDF (
Pastoral care for male and female prostitutes
Vorlová, Johana Miriam ; Vymětal, Mikuláš (advisor) ; Keřkovský, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the pastoral care of people who engage in prostitution. In research interviews, which is the main tool of this research, the aim is to understand bio- psycho-socio-spiritual needs of these people. This thesis answers positively the question whether the spiritual care is something to enrich and saturate these people. Findings are that pastoration is benefical to people working in prostitution. There are opinions that pastoration should be focused on achieving clients' specific goals leading client away from prostitution. I find it inappropriate if this goal is maintained as a condition of help. Considering findings of this work, pastoration can be considered successful even if there is nothing more than opportunity for the client to be heard and accepted. The theoretical part is examining the role of prostitution in the Bible. The question of stigma is another important aspect of this research to be considered. The Bible research findings show ambiguity in this topic. I believe that this work will bring understanding of situations and motivations of people working in prostitution. I also believe that this work will contribute in bigger openness of churches towards this group of people.
The Rhetorics of Suffering in Psalms
Jonczy, Roman ; Sláma, Petr (advisor) ; Vymětal, Mikuláš (referee)
Psalms have fascinated many for centuries. They are the prayers of the people of Israel, widely used in Christianity as well. The psalms are not only a source of inspiration but above all the concentrated experience of those, who call themselves Jehovah's worshipers. The concentrated experience of life presents many shocking testimonie about the relationship between man and God, especially if one is experiencing suffering and God becomes the only true source of salvation to a man facing a hopeless situation. The person refers to this source in his speech, and he recites his requests and his calls. This thesis attempts to examine and approach the mechanism of the speech of the Psalmist, who, in his crisis, reverts to the fact that he believes God will free him from this situation. The theologians Walter Brueggeman and Claus Westrmann contributed to the mapping of this mechanism by extraordinary insights, from which the author of this work also draws. In this thesis I describe the phases of complaints and praises, each of which consists of individual steps: addressing, complaining, pleading, motivation, cursing but also assurance of hearing, promise and praise. Keywords Bruggemann, Westrmann, psalm, psalmist, old testament,crisis, suffering, prayer, complaint, plea, motivation, curse, praise, God,...
The Widows and Orphans as the Embodiment of Weaknessand Powerlessness: an Old Testament Wiew
Krčková, Dagmara ; Sláma, Petr (advisor) ; Vymětal, Mikuláš (referee)
This bachelor thesis solve a position of widows and orphans according to the Old Testament. Widows and orphans epitomize weakness and helplessness from this view. In thesis I analyse citations from Bible in which widows and orphans are demonstrated as a underprivileged groups. In thesis I present as well others underprivileged groups: slaves, levijs, homelesses and foreigners. Next I show how was exercitation social rules in the care of human, which is in onerous situation, according to the Old Testament. Social move doesn't not only about preservation of life, but about welfare of life too. In thesis I present tradition in care of weakness human in Jewish Community, which are preserved for centuries. And I open a question if could be this tradition in care of weakness human an inspiration for today. Powered by TCPDF (

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5 Vymětal, Martin
1 Vymětal, Mikuláš,
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