National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Bluetooth GPS Logger
Vymětal, Jan ; Slaný, Karel (referee) ; Vašíček, Zdeněk (advisor)
This thesis deals with design of autonomous low-consumption device which is logging dates from external GPS throught Bluetooth serial transfering module.
Proposal to Supplement the Investment Portfolio of a Hedge Fund
Vymětal, Jan ; Ptáček, Roman (referee) ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on supplementing the investment portfolio for a fund of qualified investors with regional exposure in North America. In the theoretical part, we will introduce the theoretical and legal aspects of investing for a fund of qualified investors, investment funds, investing in joint stock companies, financial analysis, and banking models. This is followed by the practical part of the bachelor's thesis, which continues with the initial selection of shares according to management requirements. After the selection of individual companies, a financial analysis will be made, the results of which will then be compared and verified using a bankruptcy model. Finally, a recommendation for supplementing the investment portfolio will be proposed for the most suitable joint-stock Companies.
The Way to Intrinsic Freedom of Man According to Evagrius and John Cassian(The Way to Holistic Health of Man)
Hempl, Jiří ; Ventura, Václav (advisor) ; Šafin, Ján (referee) ; Vymětal, Jan (referee)
The aim of this dissertation is to highlight the fact that mental disorders can also have a spiritual cause. This thesis is based on an assumption that the spiritual condition of a person is expressed by mental manifestations of man. The research focuses mainly on the spiritual condition of man, that influences the holistic health of man. If we speak of a physical treatment or mental disorders treatment we can also speak about spiritual healing. It focuses on the treatment of a spiritual pathology of man. The research in this dissertation was inspired by a living praxis of desert Fathers of 4th century AD. This dissertation aims to present this concept to a man of the 21st century.
Bluetooth GPS Logger
Vymětal, Jan ; Slaný, Karel (referee) ; Vašíček, Zdeněk (advisor)
This thesis deals with design of autonomous low-consumption device which is logging dates from external GPS throught Bluetooth serial transfering module.
Specifics of employing foreigners in the Czech republic
Halaštová, Kateřina ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Vymětal, Jan (referee)
The theses deals with problems which could involve employing of foreigners. It comes through law, economic and socioeconomic analysis and suggest solutions of problems that could appear.

See also: similar author names
2 Vymětal, Jan,
4 Vymětal, Jaromír
4 Vymětal, Jiří
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