National Repository of Grey Literature 13 records found  previous11 - 13  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Analysis of the educational offer of secondary schools
Chamoutová, Daniela ; Vojtěch, Jiří ; Chomová, Pavla
Publications The analysis of the educational offer is based on a previously published study of the same name published in 2010. The data describing the educational offer of the schools in the school years 1998/99, 2003/04, 2008/09 is supplemented by the values for the school year 2016/17.
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Analysis of advertising job offers in daily press and on the Internet - 2016
Novotná, Hana ; Vojtěch, Jiří
The analysis focuses on the structure of demand for occupations and sought qualifications and competencies. This is a quantitative survey in order to gather relevant information about the structure of the most frequently encountered types of professions and the qualifications and competences sought by applicants, including the demands for education, language skills, practice and other skills, abilities and skills of adepts in the professions.
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Development of the educational and vocational structure of pupils and students in secondary and tertiary vocational education in the Czech Republic and in regions of the Czech Republic and the position of young people in the labor market compared to the situation in the European Union 2016/17
Vojtěch, Jiří ; Chamoutová, Daniela
The publication informs about the development of the educational structure of secondary education through the development of the numbers and shares of newly admitted pupils in 1st grade (for multi-year grammar schools in years corresponding to 1st year of secondary school) and on the development of the number of admitted pupils in further education and higher vocational education, by region. The material also provides data on the development of the branch structure of secondary and higher education broken down by group of branches, incl. graphs and tables for the years 2011 to 2016. The second part of the publication deals with the position of young people on the labor market in the Czech Republic and in the EU countries. Attention is paid to their participation in secondary vocational education in the individual countries as a whole and in the composition according to the degree of study. Data on the share of industry in youth employment, vacancies in labor markets and youth unemployment are also reported. Migration crisis is also mentioned.
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National Repository of Grey Literature : 13 records found   previous11 - 13  jump to record:
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