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Music and dramatic education in nursery school
Dramatic and music education. The main aim of the bachelor thesis is to show possibilities how to connect the music education with the dramatic education and to verify their application in the practise and motivated functions of dramatic part to music activities. In the theoretical part there is a characterization of the dramatic and music education, the present conception in the pre-school education, their mutual connection and the contribution for the development of children. The content of the practical part is the creation of a proper programme for music and dramatic education and its realization in a nursery school.

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6 VACKOVÁ, Adéla
3 VACKOVÁ, Andrea
3 VACKOVÁ, Aneta
6 Vacková, Adéla
3 Vacková, Alena
3 Vacková, Aneta
2 Vacková, Anežka
1 Vacková, Anna
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