National Repository of Grey Literature 65 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Thomas Bernhard: To think
Foltinová, Daniela ; Thein, Karel (advisor) ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee)
In the thesis it is being dealt with the philosophical aspect of Thomas Bernhard's novels, concerning the problem of thinking. The interpretation that is gained through the thorough analysis of the novels Gehen, Holzfällen and Alte Meister shows that although there is no argumental clearness in what Bernhard is writing, original philosophical thoughts are developed. There are three interpretations of thinking in the thesis. In the first we reveal thinking as a "state of chaos" revolving itself in the mind of a madman. Second interpretation, as an outcome of reconsidering the first one, leads to the concept of reflective thinking of an observer. In the first and second interpretation we only find the negative thinking as not-thinking. Only in the third interpretation we meet the "real thinker", a storyteller who motivates us to consider thinking as an activity that necessarilly involves the process of it's actual happening, if to be acknowledged as a "real thinking". This leads to the search for the thinking in the literary form of Bernhard's novels.
Human Life and Philosophy. An Attempt to the Philosophical Interpretation Epicurus' Letter to Menoeceus
Pech, Robin ; Jirsa, Jakub (advisor) ; Thein, Karel (referee)
The Epicurusʼ ethic is the field of interest of this bachelor thesis. Therefore, the one of Epicurusʼ own preserved systematical treatment about ethic, Letter to Menoeceus, provides the textbasis of this work. The analysis of this text shows that usual interpretations of Epicurusʼ ethic are missleading. Epicurus can not be understood as a propagator of some primitive type of hedonism and egoism. The central argumet of this bachelor thesis is that Epicurus should not be taken as a representative and adviser of private and quite apolitical life. Keywords: Epicurus, ethic, philosophy, human life
Idea and phenomenon
Říha, Cyril ; Petříček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Thein, Karel (referee) ; Zervan, Marian (referee)
Název této části pochází z jednoho Patočkova rukopisu, konkrétně rukopisu se signaturou 3000/331 a názvem "Leonardo, Michelangelo". Tento manuskript patří do tzv. strahovské pozůstalosti a dosud nebyl - podobně jako téměř všechnl jemu příbuzné- uveřejněn. Patočka jej psal někdy v průběhu druhé světové války jako jednu ze součásti své plánované knihy o filosofii dějin. Celý rukopis, obsahujid hotové, souvislé úvahy, ale též kusé poznámky a výpisky, se rozkládá na 36 rukou psaných stranách formátu A5. To je však pouze hrubý, často velmi fragmentární text, a proto bude místy nezbytné sáhnout po jeho bezprostředním kontextu, tedy po dílech, na které Patočka v tomto svém rukopise výslovně odkazuje. Jde především o Leonardovu knihu O maliřstvi, sbírku jeho zlomků od M. Herzfeldové, Panofského studii Idea a Vasariho Životy. 7 Takto rozšířený text bude tvořit rámec pro naši důkladnou četbu. Zajímat nás na něm budou některé jeho zvláštní momenty - "vnější" překvapení (pro čtenáře přicházejícího k němu z vnějšku) a "vnitřní" pokušení (obsažená přímo uvnitř tohoto textu). A začněme hned prvním překvapením. Teoretické malířství je zde postaveno proti maliřstvi výkonnému. Toto děleni má dle Patočky svůj původ v protikladu vita contemplativa a activa: " ... jest aplikaci dualismu života kontemplativního a praktického na...
Aristotle's conception of space: Phys. IV 208a27-213a11
Císař, Karel ; Kouba, Pavel (advisor) ; Thein, Karel (referee) ; Mráz, Milan (referee)
Aristotelovo zkoumání bytnosti místa z Fyziky IV 1-5 se stalo předmětem polemické diskuse již v textech jeho starověkých komentátorů. N arozdíl od jiných témat se navíc takřka žádný z nich nepokusil Aristotelovo pojetí místa hájit. Uzavírá-li Aristotelés své zkoumání definicí, podle které je místo "první nepohyblivou hranici obklopujícího tělesa", a vymezuje je tím jako dvojrozměrnou nepohyblivou mez, v níž se s umístěným tělesem stýká obklopující těleso či agregát těles, většina jeho následovníků má místo za trojrozměrnou rozlehlost. Jak víme ze Simplikiova svědectví, již Theofrastos poukazoval na obtíže spojené s dvojrozměrností a nepohyblivostí místa, i na skutečnost, že ne všechno bude podle této definice v místě. 1 Novoplatónští komentátoři se zase zaměřovali na Aristotelovo odmítnutí možnosti připsat místu příčinnost, což se podle nich neshodovalo s Aristotelovou koncepcí vlastního místa.2 Dalším zdrojem obtíží je pak zdánlivý vnitřní rozpor mezi jednotlivými koncepcemi místa, které Aristotelés zastává v různých spisech. V Kategoriích je místo vykládáno v kontextu nepřetržité kvantity jako trojrozměrná rozlehlost soumístná s tělesem. 3 Ve spisu O nebi Aristotelés pracuje s koncepcí vlastních míst, jejichž směrem se pohybují jednoduchá tělesa. Lehký oheň se pohybuje nahoru a těžká země dolů, zatímco...
Resemblance, Imitation, Metamorphosis
Blecha, Jakub ; Thein, Karel (advisor) ; Jinek, Jakub (referee)
The central theme of my thesis are theoretical assumptions of Plato's arguments based on the figure appearance in dialogues X. Republic and Sophist. Separated chapters are devoted to the interpretation of selected passages of dialogue. Some partial assumptions are developed in details, such as The one over many argument in dialogue X. Republic and the essence of the image from Sophist. One conclusion follows from these work: the use of figures appearance is extremely problematic, for that reason, because we can not clarify the nature of image, as its a definitional feature. Reduction of imitation and in the second case of the art of Sophists on a certain type of representation, however, does not lead to the intended goal (to know the subjects of interpretation), but pointed out some non-trivial descriptions of the philosophical framework of Plato's thought. Powered by TCPDF (
Foltinová, Daniela ; Thein, Karel (advisor) ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the philosophical inquiry of sound. The crucial problem of the thesis is the perception of sound and the description of perceived sound. The assumption is that we don't perceive sounds necessarilly as meaningful. A starting point is the analysis of two basic ways of our contact with sound - produced and received sound that are followed by the inquiring of the role of perception of voice as for its corporality; the possibility of hearing the "sound space" and its analysis; and of the way how the body is concerned with the sound perception. On the basis of these analyses that benefit from the philosophical texts and poems analyses in the conclusion of the thesis is being shown that sound is a special entity of reality since we perceive it simultaneously as a concrete and capturable (through word and corporality) and non-concrete, as for neither word meaning nor bodily contact can provide us with the adequate - "sound-based" description of the sound perceived.
The Shield of Achilles: Minoan Representational Conventions in Early Greek Poetry and Thought
Valentinová, Lucie ; Chlup, Radek (advisor) ; Hladký, Vojtěch (referee) ; Thein, Karel (referee)
The present thesis examines Homer's description of the Shield of Achilleus and Minoan miniature frescoes, particularly the Sacred Grove and Dance Fresco and Grandstand Fresco. It uses them as examples to explore the transmission of ideas between cultures - the intensely visual Minoan civilisation of the Bronze Age centred on Crete and the earliest cultural strata of ancient Greece - that preferred different means of representation, painting, and poetry. Because Minoan fresco painting was essentially non-narrative and not accompanied by readable written records, so that "deciphering" its iconography is not an option, the thesis argues that we can learn about general cultural perceptions from interpreting and analysing how techniques of representation in painting and poetry treat the representation of time and space. From the relationship that these techniques establish with the beholders of the representation, we can infer their self-understanding. If the world appears to us as an intricate complex of cultural representations, the way we interact with them reflects our sense of our human place in the world. The non-narrative techniques of Minoan frescoes - particularly the use of vertical perspective, the absence of a fixed point of view, suppressed focalisation, and map-like composition - are shown...
!The heavens are not humane..." Philosophical interpretation of Too Loud a Solitude
Kinter, Vojtěch ; Petříček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Thein, Karel (referee)
Too Loud a Solitude is one of the most famous texts of Bohumil Hrabal and possibly it is his most philosophical one. The following thesis interprets this text from the philosophical points of view as a statement about modern age and an individuals place in it. Based on one of the central sentences - "The heavens are not humane" - spoken by the protagonist Haňťa in his monologue in, the text is read as defense against incommensurability of the world with an indiviual. Christian a ancient Greek's way of defense are considered as not appliable to the age Haňťa lives at, but also as somehow present in his way of defense, which is described as a specific type of "pábení". "The end of Christian epoch" (as Hrabal himself puts it) which occurs in Too Loud a Solitude is described then in terms of mechanizing and forgetting of actual humane being. Existencial analysis of Haňťa's state after the end of epoch follows. The thesis mostly reffers to following thinkers: Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jaspers, Albert Camus and Jean Améry.
Aristotle on Experience of Pain
Linka, Vojtěch ; Roreitner, Robert (advisor) ; Thein, Karel (referee)
Aristotle on Experience of Pain Master thesis ÚFaR FF UK Bc. Vojtěch Linka Supervisor: Mgr. Robert Roreitner Abstract in English: In my master thesis, I focus on the problem of experiencing pain in Aristotle. My work is based on analysis of Nicomachean Ethics and On the soul. With these texts, I reconstruct Aristotle's theory of pain. I start with an analysis of pleasure and of the pair pleasure-pain, by which I gain basic material for further work. The most important idea here is that there is a connection between pleasure and activity (energeia). I will use this idea in the analysis of pain, too. Pain will be analyzed through passages where Aristotle explicitly mentions it and through a thought experiment, where I focus on how Aristotle would have explained chronic pain. After these analyses I will be able to formulate a theory of pain, where pain is understood as something which hinders activity. I interpret this theory in the context of Aristotle's psychology. After the analyses and interpretation, I am able, at the end of my work, answer the question how animals are experiencing pain.
Regimes of Truth and Production of Subjectivity in Genealogy of Modern Subject
Raševová, Simona ; Švec, Ondřej (advisor) ; Thein, Karel (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of complementarity between two approaches to a subject developed by Michel Foucault within the genealogy of a modern individual. While, in the 1970s, he turned his attention to the analysis of how power produces subjects that appear to be completely subordinate to power relations and practices, in a later so-called ethical period, Foucault highlights the various forms of self-forming practice or technologies of the self, which are not reduced to external norms. The thesis attempts to expose the problem of subjectivity from the perspective of a more general framework of the history of truth, which more or less covers all Foucault's genealogical investigations. Interpretation will take into consideration the following questions: 1) How can both of these approaches to subjectification processes be seen as complementary? 2) If Foucault himself declares that his genealogy of ethics is not intended to find direct inspiration for today in ancient self-care, in which respect can then critic-historical excursions to the diverse forms of ethical self-relationship be the starting point for seeking new forms of self-forming practice in today's society? 3) What is the relationship of disciplinary and regulatory techniques that form the modern individual to the practices of...

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