National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Comparison of Prague Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange
Svobodová, Jindra ; Kříž, Radim (advisor) ; Hásová, Jiřina (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to analyze and compare the main characteristics of Prague Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange. At first the attention is paid to the concept of "stock exchange" in the legal system of both countries. A short summary of the history of both exchanges is followed by a description of the organizational structure and comparison of the basic conditions of exchange membership. The individual market segments are analyzed as well as conditions for admission of financial instruments to those segments. The thesis also outlines the essential characteristics of trading systems in Prague and in Warsaw together with a list of basic types of trades. The final comparative analysis is devoted to the type and volume of financial instruments traded on both exchanges and settlement of those trades.
Advantages and disadvantages of the enterpreneurship in the individual legal forms of the companies
Svobodová, Jindra ; Kalinová, Miluše (advisor) ; Koucká, Jiřina (referee)
The goal of this work is to provide an overview of the main advantages and disadvantages of the enterpreneurship in the individual legal forms of the companies. The attention is paid to Partnership, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Company and Joint-Stock Company. The main intention is reached by the comparison of the fundamental characteristics of the companies which are mentioned above. Each chapter describes certain comparable factor which reveals the most important differences of each form of the company. I have tried to suggest possible pros and cons which are connected with them. The whole overview of the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages is presented in the attachements.

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2 Svobodová, J.
73 Svobodová, Jana
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2 Svobodová, Jarmila,
3 Svobodová, Jaroslava
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16 Svobodová, Jitka
1 Svobodová, Jitka,
2 Svobodová, Johana
2 Svobodová, Jolana
8 Svobodová, Julie
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