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Proceedings in matrimonial cases
Stecová, Miriam ; Winterová, Alena (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
My master thesis primary focuses on proceedings in matrimonial cases and its related issues. Precisely, it deals with the marriage itself and it is supported by individual proceedings of marriage authorization and other specific status matrimonial case proceedings. The largest part of my thesis is however dedicated to divorce due to arising negative impacts divorce has on humanity worldwide and it is considered as one of the most recent and most discussed issue nowadays. The goal of my thesis is to provide the overview of law changes in individual matrimonial proceedings and more importantly their characters, supported by both theoretical and practical examples. While exploring above mentioned problematic, at the same time I engage in substantive law as well as in procedural law due to their mutual cohesion. For the sake of the differentiation of proceeding in matrimonial cases, text of this work is divided into four main chapters, where every chapter includes several subchapters to specify the concrete proceeding's character and its process. The first chapter defines general term of proceedings in matrimonial cases and provides an integrated overview of all individual proceedings such as authorization of marriage and status matrimonial cases. In the second chapter, the concept of authorization of...
Proceedings in matrimonial cases
Stecová, Miriam ; Winterová, Alena (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
My master thesis primary focuses on proceedings in matrimonial cases and its related issues. Precisely, it deals with the marriage itself and it is supported by individual proceedings of marriage authorization and other specific status matrimonial case proceedings. The largest part of my thesis is however dedicated to divorce due to arising negative impacts divorce has on humanity worldwide and it is considered as one of the most recent and most discussed issue nowadays. The goal of my thesis is to provide the overview of law changes in individual matrimonial proceedings and more importantly their characters, supported by both theoretical and practical examples. While exploring above mentioned problematic, at the same time I engage in substantive law as well as in procedural law due to their mutual cohesion. For the sake of the differentiation of proceeding in matrimonial cases, text of this work is divided into four main chapters, where every chapter includes several subchapters to specify the concrete proceeding's character and its process. The first chapter defines general term of proceedings in matrimonial cases and provides an integrated overview of all individual proceedings such as authorization of marriage and status matrimonial cases. In the second chapter, the concept of authorization of...

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1 Štecová, Michaela
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