Enviromental centre in Vyškov
Rybníček, Maxmilián ; Plášil, Jiří (referee) ; Boháč, Ivo (advisor)
Design of an environmental center focused on traditional trees in Hanáck and Moravia with environmental education for mainly school-aged children from the surrounding area. The center will be complemented by the nearby zoo and Hanáck farm, which focus on traditional animals and the life of people in Hanáck. It will also include a new scout base for local scout groups in a more convenient location. Furthermore, the center will have exhibition spaces focused mainly on orchards and a cafe. In addition, the center has new facilities for packaging-free shops and an eco-advice for the public with small libraly. Various associations from Vyškov also have the option of renting space in the center. It mainly counts with the association Zelený Vyškov. Together with the construction, the revitalization of the woodshed and its new planting will take place. The original division of the garden by paths will be partially restored, as it is in the sketch from the 18th century.
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Rybníček, Maxmilián ; Plášil, Jiří (referee) ; Boháč, Ivo (advisor)
A project of a spiritual center for Brno Orthodox believers, where they can not only talk to God, but also to each other. New spaces not only for their traditional big celebrations during the main holidays, but also for simple prayers. There is also a place for lectures and concerts accessible to all people. Center I the temple contains a certain degree of religious symbolism, which gives the place a certain degree of spirituality.
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Dendrochronology improves understanding of the charcoal production history, increasing the tourist potential in the Drahany Highlands
Rybníček, Michal ; Bajer, A. ; Friedl, M. ; Knott, R. ; Kočár, Petr ; Kučera, A. ; Novák, J. ; Vavrčík, H. ; Kolář, Tomáš
Over the last two years, three selected forest sites from Drahany Highlands were examined for traces of human activity. The most frequent traces found, and common to all three sites, were remains of charcoal production. This paper provides an anatomical and dendrochronological analysis of the charcoals found in two charcoal pile remains from each site. The species composition of the charcoals at the southern site was dominated by oak, followed by birch and hornbeam. Fir was more common than oak, beech, poplar, birch and hornbeam at the central site. Fir and beech were found at the northern site. By using dendrochronology, 23 fir, oak and beech charcoals were dated with the oldest sample coming from a central site and dated from the period 1753–1758. Charcoals from the three other charcoal piles fell into the first half of the 19th century. Radiocarbon dating of charcoals selected gave a very wide age range (1640–1955), except for one case (1399–1435). Providing information on the age of a charcoal pile can help raise public awareness and interest in viewing the sites where charcoal burners used to be active in the forests.
Heritage conservation of the remains of human activity in the forest
Sklenář, Karel ; Novák, Jakub ; Kadavý, Jan ; Mikita, Tomáš ; Rybníček, Michal ; Bajer, Aleš ; Kučera, Aleš ; Kolář, Tomáš ; Friedl, Michal
The main objectives of the methodology include: 1. setting the issue in the legislative environment; 2. introducing the processes of disturbance of objects in the forest environment; 3. characterization of modern methods of identification of objects in forests; 4. introducing the practical procedure of identification of objects of human activities in forests; 5. proposing procedures for ensuring the preservation and presentation of anthropogenic remains of human activities in forests for state administration and local government. The methodology was developed in cooperation between experts in the humanities and natural sciences. It seeks to apply and combine procedures of different disciplines. The methodology is recommended to be used with methodology Methods and procedures for the protection of anthropogenic objects of historical human economic activity in forests (Kadavý et al. 2022). The two methodologies are complementary to each other.
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Rybníček, Maxmilián ; Plášil, Jiří (referee) ; Boháč, Ivo (advisor)
A project of a spiritual center for Brno Orthodox believers, where they can not only talk to God, but also to each other. New spaces not only for their traditional big celebrations during the main holidays, but also for simple prayers. There is also a place for lectures and concerts accessible to all people. Center I the temple contains a certain degree of religious symbolism, which gives the place a certain degree of spirituality.
Geographical characteristics of extreme growth depressions of Scots pine in Central Europe
Mík, Milan ; Treml, Václav (advisor) ; Rybníček, Michal (referee)
The presented diploma thesis studies extreme growth depressions of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Central Europe. Examination of significant growth anomalies (pointer year analysis) is one of the methods, which investigates the reactions of forest stands to the ongoing climate change. Dendrochronological data was obtained from Czechia (23 sites) and Slovakia (4 sites). The main hypotheses of the thesis states that the extreme growth depressions relate to climatic anomalies, hence they can be explained geographically. The objectives were to 1) create a Cropper values chronology for each site which describes growth extreme depressions; 2) explain climatic causes of negative Cropper values for each site; 3) define geographical predispositions of a spatial distribution of extreme growth depressions; 4) spatially interpolate extreme growth depressions. The calculation of Cropper values was based on a normalisation in a moving window method with a 13-year window size and the input data detrended by a 50-year cubic smoothing spline. Created chronologies were correlated with monthly climate data (temperatures, precipitation, SPEI). Geographical predispositions of the spatial distribution of growth depressions were calculated using a hierarchical cluster analysis. The cluster analysis was also applied...
Remnant of forest at the transition from Late Glacial period to Holocene: dendroecological and palaeobotanical reconstruction
Moravcová, Alice ; Šamonil, Pavel (advisor) ; Rybníček, Michal (referee)
The remains from a sub-fossil pine forest burried in layers of peat deposits at the northern edge of the CHKO Křivoklátsko in the Central Bohemia is completely unique findings for the area of the Czech Republic. It offers new opportunities for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and related climate changes during the Late Glacial and early Holocene epoch. The methods of dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating were used to date subfossil trees. The results of radiocarbon dating determined the existence of the forest in the period approximately 12,000 to 10,300 cal yr BP. The dendrochronological analyses revealed two continuous floating chronologies. The chronology RD4, which is long 200 years, originates from the Younger Dryas. The chronology RD6, 300 years long, originates from the Preboreal. The growth dynamics of the forest were reconstructed on the basis of the tree- ring analysis. Hydrological regime has been identified as a major disturbancy factor that influenced the growth of trees. This has been evident from synchronous phase depressions in the growth of synchronized tree-ring series. The high water table was the main cause of their extinction. This was in concordance with the results of macrofossils analyses. The effect of hydrological regime was largely influenced by microsite differences...
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