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Roháček, Jiří
The proceedings of the jubilee 15th international session on the issue of sepulchral monuments, which took place in Prague on 19 October – 21 October 2016. These regular conferences, organized since 2000 by the Institute of Art History CAS, are focused on sepulchral monuments as material artefacts of sepulchral culture and as works of art in the traditional sense of the word, with a factual or methodological relation to the Central European issues. The series Epigraphica & Sepulcralia has been the publication forum of these sessions since 2005.\n
Two „alternative“ epigraphic inventory acts and their significance for the study of sepulchral monuments
Roháček, Jiří
In 2011, a questionnaire inventory of epigraphic sources in the archives of the Czech Republic was carried out in cooperation with the Department of Archival Administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and the Institute of Art History CAS. The integration of epigraphic and sepulchral monuments into one inventory is based on research practice. The publication is in print. The second inventory undertaking sets itself higher objectives both objectively and methodically. It is an epigraphic database of the Center of Epigraphic and Sepulchral Studies of the Institute of Art History CAS. The added value is consideration of the possibilities of application of digital humanities methods.
On sepulchral memory in an epigraphic campaign: The towns of Prague after the events of 1648
Roháček, Jiří
The more than four-month successful defense of the Old and New Towns of Prague against Swedish troops in 1648 was relatively small in the context of the Thirty Years' War, but a very important episode for Prague cities and to a large extent for Bohemia. In Prague we can observe the remains of a relevant, originally certainly much richer epigraphic campaign, which has two main directions - the first is connected with thanks to Virgin Mary as protector and intercessor of cities, the second with contextual presentation of improved coats of arm of Old and New Town. Surprising is, however, the absence of a larger sepulchral memorie of 219 fallen defenders. The only preserved monument is the epitaph of Václav Čabelický of Soutice in the Church of Our Lady before Týn. The figural epitaph is known for its rich heraldic and epigraphic accompaniment. This fact raises a number of questions about the position of sepulchral and epigraphic monuments in a collective memory.
Epigraphica & Sepulcralia 8. Forum of epigraphical and sepulchral studies
Roháček, Jiří
The proceedings of the jubilee 15th international session on the issue of sepulchral monuments, which took place in Prague on 19 October – 21 October 2016. These regular conferences, organized since 2000 by the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, are focused on sepulchral monuments as material artefacts of sepulchral culture and as works of art in the traditional sense of the word, with a factual or methodological relation to Central European issues. However, they do not not avoid themes that more widely explain the context in which these monuments were created and were functionally applied. An emphasis is placed on the nature of interdisciplinary expert meetings. Through their focus and periodicity, they are unique in the pan-European context. A novelty of this session was the inclusion of an independent block devoted to Hebrew monuments. The proceedings are divided into three parts, in terms of the religious context of the discussed themes – hence into parts devoted to Christian, Jewish and finally supplemental, but still in the Central European milieu, Islamic sepulchral monuments. It contains twenty-five papers in total, which deal directly or contextually with sepulchral monuments from the Late Middle Ages to the 21st century. Besides, the territorially Bohemian and Moravian issue as well as the German, Slovak and Polish issues make up a significant share of the work. The series Epigraphica & Sepulcralia has been the publication forum of these sessions since 2005.
Epigraphica & Sepulcralia VII. Forum of epigraphical and sepulchral studies
Roháček, Jiří
A seventh volume in the series Epigraphica et Sepulcralia, with a concept as a periodical forum for epigraphic and sepulchral studies, and the aim of mapping out the current state of research in two disciplines that are in practice closely linked – sepulchral research and mediaeval and early modern epigraphy. It is intended that individual issues will deliberately include articles with various chronological, thematic, disciplinary, and methodological approaches, and contributions by leading Czech and international researchers together with a selection of high-quality articles by researchers from the rising generation. In the current publication, therefore, in addition to the proceedings from the meeting in 2015, further complementary articles are to be found as outlined above.
Sepulchral Ironwork in Early Modern Bohemia. Ironwork and Sepulchral Environment between 1550-1740
Gandalovičová, Šárka ; Mádl, Martin (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee) ; Roháček, Jiří (referee)
The text deals with various types of ironwork from ca 1550-1740, which we can encounter in sepulchral spaces in Bohemia. The text includes notable examples of individual types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments in Bohemia and even Central Europe, especially when the works were inspired by Bohemian examples. The main research subject matter of the dissertation is a typological group of ironwork that defined the space around a tombstone or mausoleum freely situated in a sacred environment, e.g. the most important cited work - the ironwork surrounding the Royal Mausoleum in Prague, or the ironwork surrounding the Cenotaph of Maxmilian I located in the Court Church of Innsbruck. Other types of ironwork related to sepulchral monuments are mentioned complementarily, such as ironwork closing off interior chapels, freely standing ironwork, and ironwork protecting sepulchral niches. Powered by TCPDF (
The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic Relicts
Šrejber, Adam ; Pátková, Hana (advisor) ; Hlaváček, Ivan (referee) ; Roháček, Jiří (referee)
The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic Relicts The Ústí region is one of regions which were affected by a loss of historical memory after the Second World War. It was caused by the elimination of a large part of the cultural heritage to a considerable extent. The Royal Town "Ústí nad Labem" was a common and traditional centre of the region at the beginning of the Early Modern period. It had an influence on the development of the whole region on a number of aspects. The absence of a larger noble dominion with a major administrative centre gave a space to minor noble properties, and to a construction of humbler religious buildings. Churches and their movables are often only relics of the formerly spectacular noble representation in the region. A doctor thesis concentrates on the documentation and interpretation of heraldic and epigraphic relics through which people from five noble families presented themselves in the Ústí region. Bearers of sign and inscription elements have been put into the wide, especially art historical context of a cultural heritage fund of North-West Bohemia. The thesis extends knowledge of the use of arms and inscriptions in seven religious buildings which came into existence on the initiative of the nobility of a foreign origin,...
Epigraphic fund of Jablonecko
Kočárková, Kateřina ; Roháček, Jiří (referee) ; Pátková, Hana (referee)
Dnes již bývalý okres Jablonec nad Nisou, který se rozkládá na ploše 402 km2 , netvořil historicky ani přírodně jednotný celek. Podle přírodních hranic by se dal rozdělit do dvou větších celků - Železnobrodska s Maloskalskem a Jablonecka. Právě z těchto důvodů je úvod této kapitoly rozčleněn také do dvou částí, po kterých následuje výčet dnešních obcí a měst v okrese se stručnými poznámkami a s odkazy na literaturu. Do, reformy veřejné správy v roce 2002 zahrnoval okres celkem 34 obcí. Zřízením vyšších územních celků připadl okres Jablonec nad Nisou pod správu Libereckého kraje. Nápisový fond Jablonecka je dochován torzovitě. Celkově dochované památky na Jablonecku souvisí s přírodními podmínkami okresu. Jedná se o hustě zalesněný pohraniční okres položený ve vyšších polohách a osídlený až v pozdním středověku a hlavně v novověku. Proto se zde nevyskytují žádné významné středověké architektury s výjimkou čtyř hradů - Frýdštejna, Vranova, Zbirohu a Navarova. Také většina církevních staveb pochází z novověku. Zpočátku se jednalo hlavně o dřevěné stavby, které se hlavně v 18. století přestavovaly na kamenné. Nejsou zde žádné honosné sakrální poutní stavby. Příčinou byla také velká chudoba zdejších farností. Největší památkové bohatství tkví v lidové architektuře. V celém bývalém okrese převažovaly až do...
The epigraphic heritage in the Kladno and Slaný areas until year 1800
Baráková, Jiřina ; Pátková, Hana (referee) ; Roháček, Jiří (advisor)
Důvodem, proč jsem si vybrala toto téma diplomové práce je v první řadě můj zájem o regionální historii. Dále cítím potřebu zaznamenat dosud existující nápisový materiál, a to proto, že po předchozích zkušenostech s bakalářskou prací na toto téma jsem si vědoma naléhavého požadavku základní vědecké katalogizace a inventarizace nejen nositelů nápisů, ale i nápisů samotných. Epigrafické památky pro naši středoevropskou oblast netvoří tak zásadní skupinu pramenů jako je tomu ve středomoří. Nemůžeme však podceňovat výpovědní hodnotu těchto památek pro obecné a regionální dějiny, jazykovědu, pomocné vědy historické, sociologii, demografii, ... Nápisovým památkám byla také věnována pozornost v rámci příbuzných oborů jako jsou dějiny umění, historická archeologie či památková péče. Epigrafika! jako PVH se konstituovala teprve po 2. sv. válce,2 kdy začaly soustavnější pokusy evidence epigrafických památek. Odborná veřejnost v Čechách proto r. 1996 nepochybně uvítala zahájení nové publikační řady "Corpus inscriptionum Bohemiae" v rámci vydavatelského podniku Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR. Myslím si tedy, že soupis těchto památek je zásadní nejen pro zpřístupnění nápisového materiálu, ale i pro zachování výpovědní hodnoty pro budoucnost. Základní vědecká inventarizace a katalogizace se potýká s problémy, jakými jsou...

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1 Roháček, Jan
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