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Discourse on the Belorussian national revival on the basis of the exile textual production in Prague between the two world wars
Linitskaya, Natallia ; Pullmann, Michal (referee) ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is an interpretation of the discourse of Belarusian national revival on the basis of textual production of the Prague emigration in the period between the two world wars. The period of time, when the process of national revival was set up in Belarus, goes down to the beginning of the 19th century. The aim of the study is not to examine the separate phases of the moulding of Belarusian nationalism, but to find out their peculiarities and the causes which are responsible for them. The process of the rise of Belarusian national identity requires a new interpretation; therefore the whole discourse of it's formation should be taken in a profound way. The theoretical ground is the stratification of European national movements which was put forward by Miroslav Hroch. The controversary moment consists in the impossibility to place single phases of the Belarusian model of national revival in the Hroch's scheme. The slow start of national revival and numerous difficulties on it's way were caused by permanent oppression of the both of polish and Russian powers on the one hand and resistance to it from the side of Belarusian intellectuals. That's why the model of Belarusian revival is a unique combination characterised by diffusion of it's separate parts and temporal simultaneity of it's gradual...
Music markets in Czechoslovakia of the 1970s and 1980s
Havlík, Adam ; Rákosník, Jakub (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor)
Since the communist party seized power in 1948, new culture, the so called socialist realism, was expected to be a form of culture common and imperative to all people in Czechoslovakia. But instead of achieving hegemony, western cultural products such as rock music gained popularity among the people. One of the conditions, which contributed to popularity of western music, was a somewhat ambivalent reception and treatment of this subject. On the one hand, western music was often criticised and publicly condemned. On the other hand, small amount of undistorted information could be found on the pages of the official press - music magazines etc. Possibilities of acquiring records of western rock bands were scarce, for some even impossible. These facts contributed to the emergence of unofficial music markets.
Propaganda and youth in Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren
Nezdařil, Petr ; Rákosník, Jakub (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor)
The thesis topic is Nazism propaganda targeted on youth in protectorate Moravia-Bohemia. Firstly it covers the analysis of national-socialistic ideology and its campaign methods with focus on refurbishment of propaganda vision and mission that were used by the organization Kuratorium for youth education in Bohemia and Moravia. The organization was supposed to educate "race-convenient" youth in nationalistic ideology. Its publicly available magazines "Zteč", "Správný kluk" and "Dívčí svět" were used as key sources. Second objective are propaganda adoption analysis by targeted youth generation and further word of mouth. Final observations were on differences between goals of propaganda towards youth and mature generation.
Drug-users in socialist Czechoslovakia 1960-1990
Kolář, Jan ; Štaif, Jiří (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor)
This thesis deals with problems of drug addiction in socialistic Czechoslovakia in the years 1960 - 1990. The first chapter describes spectra of drugs abused in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It comprises classic drugs, pharmaceuticals and synthetic volatile matters. The second chapter is focused on grouping of drug addicts, their habits, rituals and meeting places. The third part deals with toxicomania in specific world of prisons. The fourth chapter construes period statistic researches of drug addictions. The fifth part describes drug legislature valid in the years 1960 - 1990 and it is classified into three sections: international conventions, domestic legislature and the Law for Protection against Alcoholism and Other Kinds of Toxicomania from 1989. The sixth chapter deals with effectiveness of Czechoslovak drug legislature and evaluations of experts.
The image of the American woman on TV screen in 1950's
Blažková, Michaela ; Vošahlíková, Pavla (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor)
The 1950s in the United States of America brought about not only political, economic and cultural changes, but also a social change on a massive scale. The way of perceiving men and women, their work, leisure and personal ambition, changed significantly. This change was influenced by further medical, sociological and psychological discoveries, but the crucial influence came from the movies and television. The middle of the 20th century was the time when mass media became a part of everyday family life and took a firm hold in the majority of American households. The entertainment industry became involved in forming the social reflection and became influenced by it in turn. Based on the analysis of selected products from the entertainment industry which represent a sample of differing approaches in film and television, this diploma thesis explores the depiction and reflection of the perception of the family, the depiction of women, childhood, the home, relationships etc. The thesis focuses on the reconstruction of interpersonal relationships in film and television, with the emphasis on the role of women, in the context of social development in the United States of America after the Second World War and in the 1950s.
Local people's courts in district of Hradec Králové in years 1961-1969
Dvořáková, Kristýna ; Rákosník, Jakub (advisor) ; Pullmann, Michal (referee)
This thesis deals with the Local People's Courts, a part of judiciary in Czechoslovakia in sixties, focusing on these institutions in the district of Hradec Králové.The Local People's Courts evolved in the process of shaping the judiciary as a public affair, according to the communist ideology, which started after 1948. Therefore, Local Peopl's Courts were intended to combine characteristics of both social organisation and a government authority. The thesis is based on particularities of these institutions and approaches them as a conflict zone of various fields of interest, such as government, trade unions and jurist community. The focus of this thesis was not only to describe these institutions from the points of view of the applicatory legal norm, statutory provisions, instructions of responsible authorities, orders of the communist party and the opinions of lawyers, but also to observe them as a power instrument of a totalitarian regime and a ground for procuring various concerns.
Propaganda and youth in Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren
Nezdařil, Petr ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor) ; Rákosník, Jakub (referee)
The thesis topic is Nazism propaganda targeted on youth in protectorate Moravia-Bohemia. Firstly it covers the analysis of national-socialistic ideology and its campaign methods with focus on refurbishment of propaganda vision and mission that were used by the organization Kuratorium for youth education in Bohemia and Moravia. The organization was supposed to educate "race-convenient" youth in nationalistic ideology. Its publicly available magazines "Zteč", "Správný kluk" and "Dívčí svět" were used as key sources. Second objective are propaganda adoption analysis by targeted youth generation and further word of mouth. Final observations were on differences between goals of propaganda towards youth and mature generation.
Alcoholism in Czechoslovakia: social reflection on this feature in the 20th century
Trousil, Pavel ; Pullmann, Michal (referee) ; Rákosník, Jakub (advisor)
The thesis entitled " Alcoholism in Czechoslovakia - Social Reflection on this feature in the 20th Century" deals with the topic of alcohol consumption in the cultural environment of Czechoslovakia which the author tries to describe in historical perspective on a general level with a special emphasis on description and comparison of public opinion, important social norms (also those implicated by legislation) as well as social structures. The temporal horizon concerned is related approximately with the period of existence of Czechoslovakia. Moreover, the author takes into consideration also the present situation which is characterised by considerable alcohol consumption and a not very restrictive system concerning the distribution of alcoholic beverages in the Czech Republic. Due to the fact that this topic is not a typical one in the field of historiography, the author first tries to define basic notions related to the "alcohol question", points out to the importance of alcohol as a specific fact of the European civilisation and, at the same time, tries to emphasise some fundamental moments which had a significant influence onto the relation of the society towards this substance as well as onto its thinking about it (such as the discovery of distillation and, in the second case, the process of...
Valka camp by Nurnberg (1949-1954)
Arenbergerová, Helena ; Pullmann, Michal (referee) ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor)
The theme of my work is Valka, a camp for refugees and strangers without home, one camp out of many. By combining and confronting various kinds of resources: both written and oral, official and non-official, I strive to draw a more solid picture of the camp's reality. Although the camp existed - bearing the name Valka - between 1946 and 1960, my focus lies in the period between 1949 and 1954 when Valka served as a governrnent-run, Bavarian camp, opened for refugees from Communist Czechoslovakia. In the course of íts history, the camp would internationalize, opening its gates for the post-bellum "homeless", ie. displaced persons. Due to the motives which forged Valka's existence, I launch my work by discussing Czechoslovak refugee situation as well as the shift in the state boarders: I place the refugee problems into a broader context, focusing, however, on the Western, especially American Occupation Zone. At the same tirne, stilI in the First Chapter, I pinpoint the important differences in approaches of the International, and the Local - i.e. German -, authorities. The Second Chapter deals with the history and development of the very space where Valka existed, I focus on the organizational and structural changes between 1949 and 1954. The Third Chapter is based on both archival and secondary resources, as...
Development of the penitentiary subcultures in Czechoslovakia in years 1948-1960
Pinerová, Klára ; Pullmann, Michal (referee) ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor)
vývoj československé společnosti v poválečném období znamená výrazný historický přelom v našich dějinách. Změnily se mocenské vztahy v Evropě, což bylo nejvíce určující pro politický vývoj zemí ve střední Evropě. Po porážce nacistického Německa se zájmy velmocí stále více rozdělovaly, až vznikly dva protichůdné bloky. Československu se nepodařilo stát se "mostem mezi Východem a Západem" a v letech 1945 - 1948 stále více inklinovalo k Sovětskému svazu. Politická situace v samotném Československu se druhou světovou válkou změnila a otočila se výrazně do leva. Po válce nebyla obnovená agrární strana, která byla zkompromitovaná érou Protektorátu a druhé republiky, naopak byl vytvořen blok zvaný Národní fronta, který vytvářel státní politiku. Období mezi léty 1945 - 1948 nazýváme omezenou demokracií, protože proti Národní frontě neexistovala žádná opozice. Rychle docházelo k výrazným změnám - odsunu německého obyvatelstva, k znárodnění, k pozemkové reformě atd. To mělo samozřejmě další vliv na utváření skladby celé společnosti. Mizely skupiny nejbohatších a nejchudších obyvatel. Únor 1948 prakticky již jen potvrdil zrněny, které ve společnosti a ve státě po druhé světové válce probíhaly. Po převratu dochází k postupnému, ale přesto rychlému budování totalitního státu se všemi jeho důsledky. Veškerý život a dění...

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