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Influence of technical improvements of non-residential space on the amount of rent
Prokeš, Vítězslav ; Vítková, Eva (referee) ; Marková, Leonora (advisor)
Outline the factors leading to the emergence of technical improvements of non-residential premises with regard to the current issue of legal concepts. The analysis will focus on and evaluate the real value of the work performed and include their impact on rent and lease.
Influence of technical improvements of non-residential space on the amount of rent
Prokeš, Vítězslav ; Vítková, Eva (referee) ; Marková, Leonora (advisor)
Outline the factors leading to the emergence of technical improvements of non-residential premises with regard to the current issue of legal concepts. The analysis will focus on and evaluate the real value of the work performed and include their impact on rent and lease.

See also: similar author names
5 PROKEŠ, Vojtěch
2 Prokeš, Viktor
5 Prokeš, Vojtěch
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