National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Space for All of Us
Dobiášová, Dominika ; Poliačková, Martina (referee) ; Štindlová, Marie (advisor)
The diploma work Sanctuary for Each of Them consists of a series of objects and paintings in which I try to capture the mutual necessity and ambiguity of the individual's position in society. I am trying to bring the viewers to a strange, unsettling place where a series of plots and stories take place. Relationships develop between the characters, but also between them and the fictional world in which their stories are set. Motifs and characters from the paintings then transition into anthropomorphic objects - figures depicted in glassware and table bases. In this way, the action shifts directly into the physical space of the gallery and turns into a scenography that can be entered and interacted with on a personal level.
take a deep breath and let the tears shed water
Gajdošová, Kristýna ; Poliačková, Martina (referee) ; Sterec, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this work should be an attempt to materialize my subjective reflection of the blending of two different scenes and subcultures. It should reflect my perception of these subcultures and their similarities and differences, as well as how they relate to each other or to society at all. More than research, I would like to focus on my personal inner testimony.
Sláma, Matěj ; Poliačková, Martina (referee) ; Mazanec, Martin (advisor)
The subject of the bachelor's thesis is hair as a phenomenon, image, trauma, when in detail I explore this biological material on the basis of personal experience and as part of a series of experiments in the created "hair laboratory". Thematically, I focus on different concepts of hairstyle -- image vs. examine of biological glitches of hair growth. I organize a set of records, drawings, post-productions, objects or found materials into a database, which also became the inspiration for the actual installation of the project.
The Space for All of Us
Dobiášová, Dominika ; Poliačková, Martina (referee) ; Štindlová, Marie (advisor)
The diploma work Sanctuary for Each of Them consists of a series of objects and paintings in which I try to capture the mutual necessity and ambiguity of the individual's position in society. I am trying to bring the viewers to a strange, unsettling place where a series of plots and stories take place. Relationships develop between the characters, but also between them and the fictional world in which their stories are set. Motifs and characters from the paintings then transition into anthropomorphic objects - figures depicted in glassware and table bases. In this way, the action shifts directly into the physical space of the gallery and turns into a scenography that can be entered and interacted with on a personal level.
Sláma, Matěj ; Poliačková, Martina (referee) ; Mazanec, Martin (advisor)
The subject of the bachelor's thesis is hair as a phenomenon, image, trauma, when in detail I explore this biological material on the basis of personal experience and as part of a series of experiments in the created "hair laboratory". Thematically, I focus on different concepts of hairstyle -- image vs. examine of biological glitches of hair growth. I organize a set of records, drawings, post-productions, objects or found materials into a database, which also became the inspiration for the actual installation of the project.
take a deep breath and let the tears shed water
Gajdošová, Kristýna ; Poliačková, Martina (referee) ; Sterec, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this work should be an attempt to materialize my subjective reflection of the blending of two different scenes and subcultures. It should reflect my perception of these subcultures and their similarities and differences, as well as how they relate to each other or to society at all. More than research, I would like to focus on my personal inner testimony.
Julius Koller and art archive
Poliačková, Martina ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Klimešová, Marie (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta, Ústav pro dějiny umění BAKALÁRSKA PRÁCA Martina Poliačková Július Koller a umelecký archív Julius Koller and art archive Rada by som poďakovala vedeniu katedry a hlavne vedúcemu práce Prof. PhDr. Vojtěchovi Lahodovi za trpezlivosť a Mgr. Janovi Wollnerovi za bystré postrehy. Následne ďakujem Anne Zborovskej za dôveru a bc. Barbore Švehlákovej za vieru, že problematika umeleckého archívu nie je vyčerpaným tématom. Prehlasujem, že som túto baklársku prácu vypracovala samostatne, že som riadne citovala všetky použité pramene a literatúru, a že práca nebola použitá v rámci iného vysokoškolského štúdia či k získaniu iného alebo rovnakého titulu. V Prahe, dňa 17. 8. 2014 Bakalárska práca sa venuje tématu umeleckého archívu s dôrazom na archív Júliusa Kollera. Zaoberá sa obecnými diskurzívnymi rámcami poňatia archívu a špecifickou podobou, ktorú nadobúda v umeleckej produkcii. Ukazuje Kollerovu archívnu činnosť ako celok s jeho konceptuálnou tvorbou a v kontexte seba-historizačných praktík, typických pre situáciu zemí bývalého východného bloku. Popisuje podobné stratégie v činnosti skupiny IRWIN, Museum of American Art v Berlíne, Lia Perjovschi, J. H. Kocman, KwieKulik, Artpool Art Research Center, Tamás St. Auby a Ilja Kabakov. V ďalšiej časti popisuje...

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