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NetDaemon Automations for Home Assistant
Yadlouski, Pavel ; Koutenský, Michal (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
Moderní domácnost si těžko dokážeme představit bez nějaké formy automatizace. Každý domov obsahuje alespoň základní automatizaci ve formě trouby nebo pračky. Naštěstí pokroky v technologiích otevřely možnost vytvořit automatizaci, která bezproblémově zjed\-nodušuje naše každodenní životy. Obecně nám domácí automatizace pomáhá nejen v domácích věcech, ale také snižuje náklady našeho života a zabezpečuje naše prostředi. Například automatizace světla vypíná žarovku, když není potřeba, ale také může simulovat vaši přítomnost, když nejste doma. Tato práce se zabývá potřebou nového řešení pro složité scénáře domácí automatizace, které zahrnují velké množství zařízení různého druhu. Po analýze popularních platforem pro domácí automatizaci byla zvolena platforma Home Assistant. Nové řešení je implementováno ve frameworku NetDaemon, využívající schopnosti jazyka C#. Každý detail nového nástroje je navržen s ohledem na koncového uživatele, poskytující dostatečnou flexibilitu a stabilitu.
Smart Cover Control Module for Home Assistant
Juštik, Matúš ; Dolejška, Daniel (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this work is the study and implementation of external blinds control for the Home Assistant of home automation platform. The main goal is to design and implement a module capable of controlling blinds that do not have feedback, using only up, down and stop commands. The designed module must at least comply with automation, such as shading and illumination of the interior according to the position of the sun with maximum use of the day light, adequate response of blinds to protect against possible weather conditions and other automations. The module will then be published to the appropriate channels to reach the Home Assistant users' community. This work brings a better and more efficient solution for controlling blinds within the Home Assistant.
Increasing effectivness of CDN network
Barzali, Mark ; Pluskal, Jan (referee) ; Grégr, Matěj (advisor)
Tato práce představuje koncept sítě pro doručování obsahu Content Delivery Network (CDN) a vymezuje současné problémy, kterým tyto sítě čelí. Následně je představena architektura CDN ve společnosti Studie zahrnuje získání výkonnostních metrik CDN, konkrétně využití sítě a zaplňování mezipaměti, pro přehled o současném stavu CDN. Výsledky obsahují měření z proxy serverů v CDN, která budou dále porovnávána s budoucími vylepšeními. Celkově výsledky odhalují aktuální stav CDN v existující architektuře a poskytují cenné poznatky pro potenciální optimalizace sítě. Dále jsou diskutovány přístupy, které by mohly pomoct zvýšit efektivitu vyrovnávací paměti ve firmě, detaily implementace a konečné výsledky
Zachranka App UX Improvement
Vu, Thi Bao Ngoc ; Zavřel, Jan (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
This work aimed to improve the user experience of the Zachranka app for deaf users. The aim of the work is to make the application more accessible, easier and faster for deaf people to use during crisis situations. To improve, the original design of the application was gradually modified. The designs incorporate insights from current designs of similar applications, comments from deaf people, and information from the dispatcher’s manual and the emergency services operator. The first draft of the modified application was created and tested by deaf users. A second draft was then created that corrected the errors in the first draft. The result of this work is a design that is more deaf-friendly than the original application design, while facilitating the exchange of important information between the deaf user and the operator.
Password Leaks Automated Processing
Dvořák, Jakub ; Veselý, Vladimír (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to find databases of leaked data and to create an application capable of processing the data, storing it in a suitable database and enabling searching of the data on the basis of significant data. Among other things, the work deals with database research and measurement of uploading and data retrieval speeds, in order to select a suitable database used in the final solution. The resulting application is able to detect the encoding of the input file, the data format and stored items. Using the web interface, it also allows data to be searched based on filtering conditions from a database that has 5 157 229 040 records of leaked data at the time of theses submission. The results of this thesis provide a tool for processing and analysing databases of leaked passwords.
Multimedia Extraction from Hard Disk Images
Csáder, Lukáš ; Koutenský, Michal (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
This work addresses the issues of computer forensic analysis and its essential role in the detection, analysis, and recovery of digital artifacts. The main objective is the identification, extraction, and documentation of multimedia artifacts with the aim of providing an automated tool for this purpose. The paper discusses the possibility of interoperability of The Sleuth Kit library in the .NET environment and the integration of the PhotoRec Carver tool into the Maxtor application. An important part is the creation of a custom testing dataset, which includes various file systems and deformations. The achieved results of testing are discussed with respect to their effectiveness in the proposed scenarios. The benefits and possibilities of this tool in the field of digital forensic analysis are evaluated.
Technological IT Course for Internal Education
Orlíček, Michal ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to create a technological course on C# programming language for internal education. Prior to the creation of the course itself, the research of relevant study materials, presentation technologies, and development environments was done. From that research, it was possible to choose the appropriate length of the course, its language, the structure of suitable materials, and technologies which were used to create these materials. Additional documents, such as the study plan, the timetable, the annotations, the prerequisites, and the list of the acquired knowledge, are created as well. Last but not least, there are course materials themselves, which contains thirteen theoretical presentations suited for lectures and five practical exercises.
Financial Protocol Simulator
Vymlátil, Martin ; Pluskal, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Vladimír (advisor)
This paper deals with the creation of a simulator for financial protocols ISO8583 and SPDH.The simulator was designed and implemented in C++ language based on the analysis of the financial protocols. The simulator was tested on pre-prepared authorization messages and was also tested against the real POS terminal. Possible extensions for the simulator were discussed at the end of this thesis.
WiFi Attacks Using ESP32/8266
Stehlík, Richard ; Zobal, Lukáš (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is an exploration of the possibilities of Espressif's ESP32 chips in combination with Espressif IoT Development Framework with intention of implementing well-known Wi-Fi attacks on this platform. In this work, multiple implementation proposals were done for deauthentication attack in two variants followed by WPA/WPA2 handshake capture, attack on PMKID, creation of rogue MitM access point, or brute-force attack on WPS PIN, and more. A universal penetration tool ESP32 Wi-Fi Penetration Tool was proposed and implemented, including deauthentication attacks with WPA/WPA2 handshake capture. This tool provides an easy way to configure and run malicious Wi-Fi attacks without any domain knowledge required from the user. The outcome of this work opens new attack vectors for the attacker, thanks to cheap, ultra-low powered, and lightweight ESP32 chips.
Reconstruction of Captured Communication on iOS Platform
Letavay, Viliam ; Kmeť, Martin (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
These days our mobile devices along with social networks are giving us an opportunity to be in touch with our friends and family at any time. Howerver they could be also used for criminal activity. This thesis therefore deals with reconstruction of communication of the iOS applications Google Hangouts, Twitter and Facebook Messenger for use of forensics analysis with the main focus on an abillity to recover their chat communication. Later it also deals with the implementation of Netfox Detective tool extensions, allowing the reconstruction of this communication.

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5 Pluskal, Jaroslav
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