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Web-Based System for Cameras Sale
Plhal, Richard ; Stryka, Lukáš (referee) ; Květoňová, Šárka (advisor)
The main objective of my work is to create an internet information system which will provide online shopping and everything what it needs. Based on theoretic and practical knowledge I designed an online internet shop with digital cameras in which I will demonstrate this technology. System will allow browsing in catalog to regular and registered users, product search, sorting, comparison and ordering selected products from menu. Complete different interface have database administrator who care for database administration. It means adding, deleting , modifying records. To create this system I will use todays common technologies such as database system MySQL, scripting PHP language or HTML language.
Web-Based System for Cameras Sale
Plhal, Richard ; Stryka, Lukáš (referee) ; Květoňová, Šárka (advisor)
The main objective of my work is to create an internet information system which will provide online shopping and everything what it needs. Based on theoretic and practical knowledge I designed an online internet shop with digital cameras in which I will demonstrate this technology. System will allow browsing in catalog to regular and registered users, product search, sorting, comparison and ordering selected products from menu. Complete different interface have database administrator who care for database administration. It means adding, deleting , modifying records. To create this system I will use todays common technologies such as database system MySQL, scripting PHP language or HTML language.

See also: similar author names
1 Plhal, R.
6 Plhal, Radim
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