National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Psychological aspects of the consequences of criminal activity in convicted men serving imprisonment
The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the consequences of imprisonment from a psychological point of view and to compare it with the testimonies of convicts. Every convicted person who gets into a prison is exposed to psychological problems associated with imprisonment. These problems can be associated not only with pleading guilty and accepting a sentence connected with a commited crime but also with, a transition from civil life to life in prison, adaptating to life in prison, dealing with restriction of freedom and restrictions of contact with their loved ones and so on. The thesis has a theoretical part divided into three chapters, where data has been added from transcripts of interviews with four sentenced men. The first chapter focuses on the characteristics of serving imprisonment, including the functions and the purpose of imprisonment and on penitentiary psychology. The second chapter describes the adaptation of prisoners to imprisonment in view of the length and frequency of imprisonment as well as the personality of the convicted person. The third chapter focuses on the psychological aspects of imprisonment (the second life of prisoners, aggression, bullying, suicide, self-harm, abuse and use of narcotic and psychotropic substances, limiting social contacts). The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the consequences of imprisonment from a psychological point of view and to compare it with data from interviews with sentenced persons.
Preparation of imprisoned persons for their release and resocialization.
The subject of the bachelor's thesis is the preparation of imprisoned persons in Příbram prison for their release from imprisonment. The aim of this work is to closely monitor the extent of preparation of convicts for their release from prison and difficulties they will face back in civil life. The first part of bachelor´thesis is dedicated to the progress of the imprisonment, to employees participating on education of convicted persons and work with convicted persons. The second part is focused on the release of convicted persons and their entry into civil life. The third part is practical, dedicated to the convict´s course of fife before and during imprisonment and after his release. The aim of the research was to find out how the convicts prepare themselves for their release and to monitor the problems facing them during transition to civil life.
The Visegrad Group - Trends and Position in the European Union
Ouředníková, Marie ; Černá, Iveta (advisor) ; Čajka, Radek (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe economic trends in countries of the Visegrad Group between 2000 and 2009 and to analyze their economic relations with the EU. The description and analysis are based on Eurostat statistics. Economic indicators which are monitored in this thesis and statistical methods used are defined in the first chapter. The second chapter contains a description of the Visegrad Group and ist member states. The third chapter analyzes similarity of basic internal balance indicators' changes in the countries of Visegrad Group and in EU member states. The fourth chapter deals with the territorial structure of trade of the Visegrad Group. The final chapter is devoted to the geographic origin of foreign direct investment inflows in the Visegrad countries.
Visegrádská skupina
Ouředníková, Marie ; Adámková, Vlasta (advisor) ; Vondrušková, Barbora (referee)
Práce popisuje a hodnotí dosavadní fungování Visegrádské skupiny. Její členské státy, Česká republika, Maďarsko, Polsko a Slovensko, jsou pomocí demografických a ekonomických ukazatelů stručně charakterizovány. Značná pozornost je věnována činnosti Mezinárodního visegrádského fondu. Závěrečná kapitola práce se zabývá českým předsednictvím Visegrádské skupiny pro rok 2007/2008.

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4 Ouředníková, Marie
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