National Repository of Grey Literature 14 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Institute of Nuclear Biology and Radiochemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Inventory of archival fonds
Mádlová, Vlasta
The inventory of the archive fund describes documents from the activities of the Institute and its predecessors in the years 1955–1993.
The Archeological commission of the Czech academy of the emperor Franz Joseph for Sciences, poetic and figurative arts (Czech Academy of the Emperor Franz Joseph for Sciences, Literature and Arts)
Mádlová, Vlasta
The paper deals with the functioning of the Archaeological Commission of the Czech Academy of Emperor Franz Josef for Science, Literature and the Arts, the full name of the Standing Committee of the Czech Academy to examine and preserve ancient monuments of the country, its history, literature and art from its founding in 1893 to 1918. It pays attention to all three departments of the commission, but focuses its main attention on the archaeological department of the commission and its activities in the field of field research.
War Injuries in the World War I
Smrčka, V. ; Mádlová, Vlasta
The paper describes the medical officer during the First World War at the front. Describes transport wounded soldiers from the front, the ways of their first treatment to treatment in field hospitals. The First World War brought about the development of numerous medical fields and the introduction of completely new, such as plastic surgery.
War Injuries from Past to Present
Smrčka, V. ; Mádlová, Vlasta
The symposium was conceived as a meeting of Ph.D. students studying palaeopathological issues. Due to a great interest in this subject matter it was finály extended by further invited scientific lecturers who are concerned with the history of medicine. The Symposium covered this subject matter not only from the Neolithic Age to the World War I but also to the present days.
Career of three Pilots from Sedlčany Region during World War II
Mádlová, Vlasta
The study inquires into the career of three natives of Sedlčany-Region, who took a part in World War II as pilots in RAF.
Post-war purge in the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1945-1947
Mádlová, Vlasta
The study inquires into the work of commissions that looked into the activities of members of Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts during WW2, including individual cases, which commissions solved. The commissions worked in years 1945-1947.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 14 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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1 MÁDLOVÁ, Vendula
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