National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Investigating the Relationship between Industry Gender Imbalance and Gender Pay Gap: The Case of UK
Máchová, Štěpánka ; Chytilová, Julie (advisor) ; Šedivý, Marek (referee)
Since the early 21st century, the issue of gender pay inequality has increasingly captured public and academic attention. This topic covers a broad spectrum of aspects, among which the industry-specific influence on gender pay disparities is of particular interest to our study. This thesis specifically examines the extent to which the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) in the United Kingdom is influenced by industry affiliation. Additionally, it evaluates the average proportion of women employed within these sectors, utilizing this information as an indicator of indus- trial segregation. Our analysis relies on data from 4908 companies operating in the United Kingdom and reporting consistently throughout the 2017/18 - 2022/23 pe- riod. We employ the Ordinary Least Squares estimation technique, incorporating corrections for heteroskedasticity detected in our models, to explore these relation- ships. The first important finding confirms a link between the GPG and industry affiliation, revealing significant differences across industries. Furthermore, our re- search demonstrates that industries with a higher average proportion of women tend to have larger GPGs. Although this finding is highly statistically significant, its practical significance is weakened by the modest magnitude of the estimated effects. Keywords...
Differences in Education of three and six years old Children
The main goal of this thesis is to mention a differences of education of three years old and six years old children and show the proper educational strategies for this age categories. Particular areas in education of preschool children are described in theoretical part. Those are: goals, methods, rules, communication and content of education. Practical part compares two thematic blocks which have the same theme but different complexity. The results of observations in different type of classes showing the successes and benefits of adaptation of education to selected age categories are presented then. Description of the risks arising during the education follows. Based on the observations the proper educational strateries are selected in the end. Videorecording with education of three years old and six years old children is enclosed too.

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