National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Silent partnership contract
Krch, Pavel ; Černá, Stanislava (advisor) ; Zahradníčková, Marie (referee)
Silent partnership contract Abstract The topic of this rigorous work is silent partnership. Silent partnership is contractual legal relationship which is established by a silent partnership contract. Current valid and effective legislation can be found in the Civil Code specifically in the provisions of § 2747 to § 2755. The rigorous work is systematically divided into five consecutive chapters. In the first chapter, I dealt with the historical development of silent partnership from its beginnings in ABGB until present. I mainly focused on how it changed over time, what was added in the adjustment or what, on the contrary, became obsolete over time. The second chapter is devoted to the current legislation in the Civil Code. I have introduced under what circumstances it is possible to deviate from the legal text and I drew attention to the provisions of § 13 of the Civil Code which introduces so-called "quasi-precedents." Further I focused on the essentials of a silent partnership contract. Attention was focused especially to the subjects and the object. In the case of subjects, I focused on who can be the subject of a silent partnership contract, the possibility of pluralism on the part of the silent partner and on the part of the entrepreneur. In the case of the object, I then thoroughly analyzed the...
Measure of a general nature
Krch, Pavel ; Pítrová, Lenka (advisor) ; Vedral, Josef (referee)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of general measure as one of the activities of public administration. The thesis is systematically divided into eight consecutive chapters that logically follow each other. The first chapter is devoted to the introduction to the issue of general measures. The second chapter deals with the division of public administration activities. This chapter emphasizes the distinction between abstract administrative acts, individual administrative acts and mixed administrative acts, which can be both specifically - abstract and abstractly - specific, with an emphasis on these mixed administrative acts. The third chapter generally deals with the general measure itself. This chapter focuses on the circumstances and issues of introducing a general measure into the legal order of the Czech Republic and also on the comparison of this administrative act with neighboring states, where a general measure occurs under the name "general measure". The fourth chapter focuses on the material and formal aspects of a general measure. In particular, the case-law of the Supreme Administrative Court is mentioned here, which was initially competent to hear the petition for annulment of a general measure or its part. In the next chapter, this thesis deals with the circumstances of the creation of...

See also: similar author names
3 Krch, Petr
2 Krch, Přemysl
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