National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Schematron Schema Inference
Kozák, Michal ; Holubová, Irena (advisor) ; Svoboda, Martin (referee)
XML is a popular language for data exchange. However, many XML documents do not have their schema or their schema is outdated. This thesis continues on the field of automatic schema inferring for set of XML documents and focuses on Schematron schema inferring. Schematron is a language that validates XML documents with rules, it does not compare the document against a grammar like DTD, and XML Schema does. Because the field of Schematron schema generation is not so much explored, this thesis analyzes basic problems, suggests several approaches and describes their advantages and disadvantages.
Continuous models in biology
Kozák, Michal ; Stará, Jana (advisor) ; Kučera, Milan (referee)
This Bachelor Thesis is devoted to study of conditions guaranteeing that the modelled biological system is stable from the point of view of surviving of species. First, we give a short survey of various concepts of ecological stability (persistence, permanence) and then we concentrate on permanence. The models we study are described in terms of semidynamical systems on metric spaces. In this framework we define permanence of a semidynamical system. Main part of the thesis are theorems giving sufficient conditions for permanence or non- permanence by adapting the method of Average Lyapunov Function. In the last chapter a model of aquatic population interacting with a polluted environment is considered and its permanence proved under certain conditions on coefficients. The aim of the theses is to present a survey of these notions. Moreover, the contri- bution of theses is the proof of non-permanence theorem whose part was known for difference equations, only. 34
Bifurcation in mathematical models in biology
Kozák, Michal ; Stará, Jana (referee)
Stationary, spatially inhomogenous solutions of reaction-diffusion systems are studied in this thesis. These systems appears in biological models based on a Tu- ring's idea of a diffusion driven instability. In the connection, a global behaviour of bifurcation branches of these stationary solutions is analyzed. The thesis in- sists on theory of differential equations and on (particularly topological) methods of nonlinear analysis. The existence, as well as non-compatness in one-dimensional space, of a bifurcation branch of general reaction-diffusion system leading to Tu- ring's efekt is proved. Further, a priori estimates of Thomas model are derived. The results tend to theorem, that forall diffusion coefficient from the preestab- lished set there exists at least one stacionary, spacially nontrivial solution of Tho- mas model.
Bifurcation in mathematical models in biology
Kozák, Michal ; Stará, Jana (referee)
Stationary, spatially inhomogenous solutions of reaction-diffusion systems are studied in this thesis. These systems appears in biological models based on a Tu- ring's idea of a diffusion driven instability. In the connection, a global behaviour of bifurcation branches of these stationary solutions is analyzed. The thesis in- sists on theory of differential equations and on (particularly topological) methods of nonlinear analysis. The existence, as well as non-compatness in one-dimensional space, of a bifurcation branch of general reaction-diffusion system leading to Tu- ring's efekt is proved. Further, a priori estimates of Thomas model are derived. The results tend to theorem, that forall diffusion coefficient from the preestab- lished set there exists at least one stacionary, spacially nontrivial solution of Tho- mas model.
Bifurcation in mathematical models in biology
Kozák, Michal ; Kučera, Milan (advisor) ; Stará, Jana (referee)
Stationary, spatially inhomogenous solutions of reaction-diffusion systems are studied in this thesis. These systems appears in biological models based on a Tu- ring's idea of a diffusion driven instability. In the connection, a global behaviour of bifurcation branches of these stationary solutions is analyzed. The thesis in- sists on theory of differential equations and on (particularly topological) methods of nonlinear analysis. The existence, as well as non-compatness in one-dimensional space, of a bifurcation branch of general reaction-diffusion system leading to Tu- ring's efekt is proved. Further, a priori estimates of Thomas model are derived. The results tend to theorem, that forall diffusion coefficient from the preestab- lished set there exists at least one stacionary, spacially nontrivial solution of Tho- mas model.
Schematron Schema Inference
Kozák, Michal ; Holubová, Irena (advisor) ; Svoboda, Martin (referee)
XML is a popular language for data exchange. However, many XML documents do not have their schema or their schema is outdated. This thesis continues on the field of automatic schema inferring for set of XML documents and focuses on Schematron schema inferring. Schematron is a language that validates XML documents with rules, it does not compare the document against a grammar like DTD, and XML Schema does. Because the field of Schematron schema generation is not so much explored, this thesis analyzes basic problems, suggests several approaches and describes their advantages and disadvantages.
Continuous models in biology
Kozák, Michal ; Stará, Jana (advisor) ; Kučera, Milan (referee)
This Bachelor Thesis is devoted to study of conditions guaranteeing that the modelled biological system is stable from the point of view of surviving of species. First, we give a short survey of various concepts of ecological stability (persistence, permanence) and then we concentrate on permanence. The models we study are described in terms of semidynamical systems on metric spaces. In this framework we define permanence of a semidynamical system. Main part of the thesis are theorems giving sufficient conditions for permanence or non- permanence by adapting the method of Average Lyapunov Function. In the last chapter a model of aquatic population interacting with a polluted environment is considered and its permanence proved under certain conditions on coefficients. The aim of the theses is to present a survey of these notions. Moreover, the contri- bution of theses is the proof of non-permanence theorem whose part was known for difference equations, only. 34
Petri nets
Kozák, Michal ; Richta, Karel (referee) ; Kryl, Rudolf (advisor)
The aim of this work is to create a graphic tool for development and simulation of Petri nets. For practical and easier use of a Petri net the user defines a template for elements of the Petri net. These templates can be used in development of future Petri nets. The process of simulation can be watched and debugged via conditioned breakpoints. The flow of the simulation is controlled by scripts. The application implements script interface to give the user a way to control components of the Petri net. The user can write scripts procedures and can call them in the script.

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2 KOZÁK, Marek
12 KOZÁK, Martin
1 Kozak, Marianna
1 Kozak, Maryana
2 Kozák, Marek
12 Kozák, Martin
4 Kozák, Matěj
1 Kozák, Miloš
4 Kozák, Miroslav
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