National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Revitalization and flood control on the river Oslava and selected tributary
Kopuletý, Martin ; Vrba, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jaroslav (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the flood protection of the town of Oslavan on the river Oslava and its tributary Balinka. Sample samples were taken to determine the grain curve. The input data were obtained from the Povodí Moravy s. p. and were calculated in the HEC-RAS program. A level and flood analysis was developed and flood control measures were proposed. The flow was again calculated with the proposed measures and re-analyzed. At the end of the work the proposed measures were evaluated.
The realisation procedure for flood control measures in the selected section of river Oslava
Kopuletý, Martin ; Vrba, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jaroslav (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the comprehensive solution of the flood protection measures of the town Oslava on the river Oslava. The territory was subjected to a risk analysis with a graphical representation of risk in the area and potential damage to the property was calculated. In continuity has been proposed appropriate flood protection measure to reduce damage. The economic effectiveness of the measures was carried out and other documentation required for the underlimit tender of the project was elaborated. In the conclusion of the diploma thesis there is another possible use of the diploma thesis.
The realisation procedure for flood control measures in the selected section of river Oslava
Kopuletý, Martin ; Vrba, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jaroslav (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the comprehensive solution of the flood protection measures of the town Oslava on the river Oslava. The territory was subjected to a risk analysis with a graphical representation of risk in the area and potential damage to the property was calculated. In continuity has been proposed appropriate flood protection measure to reduce damage. The economic effectiveness of the measures was carried out and other documentation required for the underlimit tender of the project was elaborated. In the conclusion of the diploma thesis there is another possible use of the diploma thesis.
Revitalization and flood control on the river Oslava and selected tributary
Kopuletý, Martin ; Vrba, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jaroslav (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the flood protection of the town of Oslavan on the river Oslava and its tributary Balinka. Sample samples were taken to determine the grain curve. The input data were obtained from the Povodí Moravy s. p. and were calculated in the HEC-RAS program. A level and flood analysis was developed and flood control measures were proposed. The flow was again calculated with the proposed measures and re-analyzed. At the end of the work the proposed measures were evaluated.

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4 Kopuletý, Michal
3 Kopuletý, Milan
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