National Repository of Grey Literature 111 records found  beginprevious59 - 68nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Guilt and False Guilt
Kreškóciová, Renáta ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Martinek, Michael (referee)
Práce si klade za cíl rozlišit "zdravou" vinu od falešného pocitu viny. Popisuje možné zdroje vzniku obou kategorií viny z různých úhlů pohledu, které vymezují obory jako psychologie, teologie a filosofie. Následně se zabývá možnými způsoby práce s vinou především z hlediska psychologické a pastorační praxe, okrajově i z pohledu některých filosofů, kteří se problémem viny zabývají. Klíčová slova Vina - psychologické pojetí, vina- křesťanské aspekty, zodpovědnost, svoboda, svědomí, odpuštění Summary The main objective of the work is to differentiate the "healthy" guilt from false feel of guilt. The work describes the possible origins of both categories from psychological, theological and philosophical points of view. Then it deals with possible ways of working with guilt, mostly from psychological and pastoral practice; but also from the views of some philosophers who deal with the problems of guilt. Keywords The guilt - psychological concepts, the guilt - Christian aspects, responsibility, freedom, conscience, forgiveness
Reflection of The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Through Theology of Jon Sobrino
Vališková, Radka ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Noble, Timothy (referee)
Tato práce se věnuje milosrdenství v teologii osvobození u Jona Sobrina a prost ednictvím témat, jež Sobrino p ináší, a důrazů, jež klade, nahlíží na milosrdenství Svatého roku, který na konci roku 2015 vyhlásil papež František. Sobrinova chudých a je silně formována osobní zkušeností, již učinil Sobrino v Salvadoru. Chudobou má na mysli p edevším nespravedlivou chudobu Latinské Ameriky nebo ší eji T etího světa. Těmto důrazům odpovídá pojetí milosrdenství, jež je určeno zejména nespravedlivě chudým. Na jeho počátku stojí soucit, z něhož p ímo vychází pot eba druhému pomoci, osvobodit ho od jeho utrpení. ídit se principem milosrdenství pak neznamená pouze p ímou pomoc, ale také hledání p íčin utrpení. Ty jsou podle teologie osvobození systémové, a proto nestačí apelovat na změnu chování jednotlivců, ale také na transformaci společenských institucí. Františkovo pojetí milosrdenství je v rámci dokumentů, jež se vztahují ke Svatému roku, širší. Je určeno nejen těm, kte í trpí nedostatkem, ale také h íšníkům, kte í jsou si vědomi vlastní h íšnosti. Práce klade spolu se Sobrinem důraz p edevším na první stránku milosrdenství, a proto se podrobněji věnuje Františkovým postojům k p íčinám chudoby. Dochází k závěru, že František sice vyzdvihuje individuální zodpovědnost, nicméně mu apel na transformaci...
Gender Studies, Family Studies, and their Influence in Forming of the Modern Family
Ilyková, Gabriela ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Klimešová, Anna (referee)
This thesis is focused on family, specifically on the way it is viewed by gender studies and family studies. It is also focused on the question what are gender studies and family studies, what is their meaning and purpose, and what is the main focus of their work. Because the topic of this thesis was inspired by an accusation of gender studies from disturbing morality by spreading feminist and similar ideals, and since the allegations were raised by representatives of one of the Christian churches, the thesis will address the issue of linkages between gender studies and feminism, as well as the way how families are viewed by feminism and Christianity, in order to determine whether gender studies can truly be described as a threat to Christian morality. Powered by TCPDF (
Christology from below? A dispute over Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight and Jon Sobrino
Jandejsek, Petr ; Noble, Ivana (advisor) ; Noble, Timothy (referee) ; Červenková, Denisa (referee)
The dissertation of Petr Jandejsek analyzes Christologies of the three contemporary Jesuit theologians: Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight and Jon Sobrino. In terms of method it calls their approaches "from below". Epistemology used by their Christologies proceeds from human, particular, historically- grounded experience toward its revealing source. Given that the three Christologies were subjected to a critique from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the dissertation raises questions regarding the innovative features of their Christologies as well as their limits. It is argued that they can complement the so-called "Christologies from above", which proceed "from God", from the divine revelation that has been given to the human beings and requires obedience. In this dissertation "theology from above" is exemplified by the work of Joseph Ratzinger. The dissertation identifies common sources of the Christologies in question. They are found in the Ignatian spirituality, the theology of Karl Rahner and the experiences gained in the missionary work. In conclusion, it is suggested that the three Christologies are legitimate interpretations, however limited, of the pastoral theology of the Second Vatican Council. Powered by TCPDF (
Through Dialogue: The Conception of Faith in the Work of Tomáš Halík
Zemek, Matouš ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Fischer, Ondřej (referee)
The object of this thesis is to describe two basic thoughts in the work of Tomáš Halík - the relationship of faith and disbelief and the interreligious dialogue. The description is based on analysis of the primary literature with an assistance of the secondary literature. The thesis has five chapters while the first chapter is focused on the context of Halík's life. It describes which events influenced him with focus on the connection with his work. The second chapter is focused on the relationship of faith and unbelief in Halík's view. The third chapter includes the area of the interreligious dialogue. For a specification and a completion of Halík's thoughts in this thesis, there is an interview with Tomáš Halík in the fourth chapter, which is focused on the object of this thesis. All is summarized in the fifth chapter which brings back the main thoughts of Tomáš Halík in the areas of the relationship of faith and unbelief and the interreligious dialogue. Powered by TCPDF (
Ecclesiastical Roots of Fair Trade
Jindrová, Martina ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Pařízek, Michal (referee)
This bachelor work concentrates on origins of the idea of fair trade religious environment. It introduces the goals and principles of fair trade and it lists organisations fulfilling these goals in reality. This work also describes the Christian denomination of Mennonites, which is closely linked to fair trade. Edna Ruth Byler is one of the volunteers coming from this denomination and she is also the founder of the fair trade organisation Ten Thousand Villages. Even in the Czech Republic Christian denominations and religious societies are involved in fair trade. This work includes an interview with one of the main founders of fair trade in the Czech Republic and an active Christian Věra Lukášová. Powered by TCPDF (
Biblical Roots of Joy
Nierostková, Edita ; Heryán, Ladislav (advisor) ; Jandejsek, Petr (referee)
The topic of this thesis is: "The Biblical Roots of Joy." On the basis of selected texts of the Old and New Testaments I explored, what is the basis for the biblical concept of joy. Attention is focused on the biblical texts that speak directly about joy of the individual, the joys of the nation of Israel, or of the whole Church, and on the basis of these texts I uncovered the roots of biblical joy. Topic of joy, and it's roots, is described not only from a historical perspective based on historical events recorded in the Bible, but I also deal with the present, and the future. Based on the selected apostolic letters, in this thesis, I briefly described what place should joy have in the Christian life, and the eschatological joy, on which is pointed primarily in prophetic texts. I also briefly described, how can be biblical joy applied in pastoral ministry Powered by TCPDF (
František Lízna, his life and work as an inspiration for social work and theology
Baďurová, Alena ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Křišťan, Alois (referee)
This thesis focuses on the person and work of the Jesuit priest František Lízna SJ. Father František is known for his work with socially excluded people, homeless, prisoners and others who are on the periphery of society. The aim of this thesis is to find inspiration in Father František's activities, which will enable us further reflection and enrichment of social work. By inspiration is not meant something that implies new theory or brings new rules, but it is meant suggestion to reflect our motivations and ways of providing social work. Father František's believed that socially oriented activities are his vocation and calling in life. This thesis will first approach his life story that was marked by political persecution. It was this political persecution that paradoxically brought him closer to socially excluded people. Next two sections of this thesis will deal with his work with vulnerable people. Qualitative research makes it possible to discover Father František's activities, his attitudes and basic values. Interpretation of the collected material offers inspirational ideas for social work with clients of social services, as Father František, himself persecuted and imprisoned, had an experience as an "excluded person". Out of this reason he became a friend of the marginalized people and embraced them...
The Notion of Social Sin in the Texts of Liberation Theology and the Documents of the Magisterium
Gabrielová, Anna ; Jandejsek, Petr (advisor) ; Noble, Timothy (referee)
In the second half of the 20th century, Latin American liberation theology has enriched the theological debate with the notion of social (alternatively structural) sin, which means a non-individual form of evil, often connected with institutions or social structures. The aim of this bachelor thesis The notion of social sin in the texts of liberation theology and the documents of the magisterium is to describe and elucidate the concept of social sin and to compare it with the similar thoughts developed in the documents of the magisterium. However, the thesis also points to the more general considerations about the nature of sin and evil, seeks the relation between the images of social and original sin and sketches the consequence of the concept of structural sin for social work. Powered by TCPDF (

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