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Výhody a nevýhody mikroúvěrů v případě Chile
Bellon, Fotis ; Gutiérrez Chvalkovská, Jana (advisor) ; Inostroza Pino, Luis Ernesto (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the debate on microfinance commercialization, using the case of Chile. Another purpose of this thesis consists in mapping the field of microfinance in Chile. The hypothesis that is examined in this study is whether the commercialization of microfinance in Chile has brought opportunities and trade-offs with respect to poverty alleviation in the country. The methodology used in order to gain understanding of several aspects of commercialization of the microfinance sector in Chile is descriptive statistics accompanied by a qualitative analysis of the demand side of microfinance. To this end, interviews were conducted with several microfinance institutions and specialists. The results of the study indicate that the commercialization of microfinance in Chile has indeed brought opportunities and trade-offs with respect to poverty alleviation in Chile. Two opportunities that this study defines, are the increase in the scale of outreach and the increase of geographical outreach. Secondly, in contrast to these opportunities, a tendency for the commercialized microfinance institutions to pay less attention to the poorest segment of the Chilean population, is defined as a trade-off of the commercialization of microfinance.
The possibility of future for South-South Cooperation on the example of Brazil’s emerging Development Assistance on the International Scale.
Babirli, Alya ; Batueva, Ekaterina (advisor) ; Inostroza Pino, Luis Ernesto (referee)
Práce zkoumá tradiční způsob rozvojové pomoci prostřednictvím různých definic a typů zahraniční pomoci za uplatnění tří existujících teorií, a sice teorie "měkké síly" Josepha Nye Jr., "rozvojové teorie" Hanse Morgentraua a teorie Paula Rosensteina-Rodana "Big push". Práce se soustředí především na jednu z hlavních zemí Spolupráce jih-jih Brazílii, poskytuje důkazy o její schopnosti stát se poskytovatelem mezinárodní pomoci, a zaměřuje se na rostoucí význam Brazílie na mezinárodní scéně.

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