Sensorimotor difficulties in children with speech impairments
Hodačová, Alžběta ; Vařeková, Jitka (advisor) ; Majorová, Simona (referee)
Title: Sensorimotor difficulties in children with speech impairments Objectives: The main aim of the thesis is to assess sensorimotor functions of children with speech disorders using standardized test batteries. Methods: 27 children were part of the study (21 boys, 6 girls), all with speech disorders from an elementary school in the age range 11-15 (12,4 years±1,05). Motor skills were tested with data collection testing batteries MABC-2, Unifittest 6-60. Furthermore, sensory functions were tested using the Nottingham Sensory Assessment. Probands were also provided with a supplementary questionnaire to gather additional information. In the next step a data matrix was created in Microsoft Excel where all data were input. Data analysis was conducted using programs Microsoft Excel and Jamovi. Results: Children with speech disorders showed higher prevalence of motor difficulties compared to Czech norms. According to the overall STS score in MABC-2 test, 63 % (17) were in the range of significant motor difficulties, which is 13 times higher than the norms. A statistically significant relationship between the Unifittest and MABC-2 was proven.In addition, a positive correlation was also confirmed between the BAL component of the MABC-2 and the long jump task in the Unifittest 6-60. Among the sensory...
Occupational therapy assessment of visual perception: Translation of The Developmental Test of Visual Perception for Adolescent and Adult and its pilot application in patient after Acquired Brain Injury.
Hodačová, Alžběta ; Krivošíková, Mária (advisor) ; Gerlichová, Markéta (referee)
Author: Bc. Alžběta Hodačová Supervisor: Bc. Mária Krivošíková, M.Sc Title: Occupational therapy assessment of visual perception: Translation of The Developmental Test of Visual Perception for Adolescent and Adult and its pilot application in patient after Acquired Brain Injury Abstract: The thesis deals with the translation of the standardized test "The Developmental Test of Visual Perception for Adolescent and Adult, Second Edition (DTVP-A:2)". The focus of the thesis is to create a Czech version of DTVP-A:2 and its pilot testing with 4 patients who suffered Acquired Brain Injury. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the problems of Acquired Brain Injury, visual perception, visual perception disorders and assessment of visual perception from occupational therapy standpoint. The theoretical part includes a description of various individual assessment tools which are used in occupational therapy. In the practical part of the thesis the author describes the production of the data, the translation process. A one-way translation was chosen for the translation of the Examiner's Manual. The Examiner Record Form was then translated using a parallel blind technique. Furthermore, the practical part of the thesis describes 4 case studies of patients with Acquired Brain Injury. In these case studies...
Creating a draft translation version of "The Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory (CAHAI)" evaluating manual
Hodačová, Alžběta ; Nováková, Olga (advisor) ; Sýkorová, Jitka (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with a translation of the manual for the evaluation tool "The Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory (CAHAI)". Creating a translation draft of the CAHAI manual is this work's main goal. The theoretical part summarizes knowledge about cerebrovascular accident (CVA), and its consequences. Next, the theoretical part deals with a function of the upper limb and the testing of the upper limb in occupational therapy. A part is also dedicated to a summary of the evaluation manual of the CAHAI. The process of translating technical and academical texts is also discussed. In the practical part, the author describes the realization and the method of translating. The secondary goal of this work is to perform a pilot study with 3 patients after cerebrovascular accident using the Czech translation of CAHAI-13. For that reason, the practical part also contains case studies. The thesis contains case studies with a diagnostical part i.e., case studies do not have a plan and process of therapies. The result of this thesis is the Czech translation of the CAHAI and an evaluation of CAHAI's usage in research. Keywords: cerebrovascular accident, function of the upper limb, testing of the upper limb in occupational therapy, translation method, The Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory