National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model in the buprenorphine substitutional treatment
Hanus, Richard ; Šotolová, Eva (advisor) ; Mlčková, Marie (referee)
This thesis is focused on the application of holistic, bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of dependence to concrete therapeutic method, namely to the substitution treatment of persons dependent on opiate addictive substances with synthetic opioid buprenorphine. The aim is to describe the essence of BPSS model of addiction, with the specifics of opiate addiction, and the treatment system based on it. Also, to show substitution therapy as one of the most effective methods that improves quality of a dependent person's life. Further, to confirm the need for a holistic perception of substitution treatment when ersatz drug use itself is not a real chance for dependent persons, unless such treatment is accompanied by psychosocial and spiritual therapeutic approach. Another objective is to map the risk that, in practice, the substitution therapy initiation in a holistic range brings in the context of contemporary reality. The work will consider approach bases to opiate addicts, especially the optics of lifelong abstinence versus controlled use, leading to better quality of dependent person's life. Theoretic base of the thesis is the theory of bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of dependence and the possibility of its application to the chosen concrete curative therapeutic approach - substitution treatment...
Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model in the buprenorphine substitutional treatment
Hanus, Richard ; Šotolová, Eva (advisor) ; Mlčková, Marie (referee)
This thesis is focused on the application of holistic, bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of dependence to concrete therapeutic method, namely to the substitution treatment of persons dependent on opiate addictive substances with synthetic opioid buprenorphine. The aim is to describe the essence of BPSS model of addiction, with the specifics of opiate addiction, and the treatment system based on it. Also, to show substitution therapy as one of the most effective methods that improves quality of a dependent person's life. Further, to confirm the need for a holistic perception of substitution treatment when ersatz drug use itself is not a real chance for dependent persons, unless such treatment is accompanied by psychosocial and spiritual therapeutic approach. Another objective is to map the risk that, in practice, the substitution therapy initiation in a holistic range brings in the context of contemporary reality. The work will consider approach bases to opiate addicts, especially the optics of lifelong abstinence versus controlled use, leading to better quality of dependent person's life. Theoretic base of the thesis is the theory of bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of dependence and the possibility of its application to the chosen concrete curative therapeutic approach - substitution treatment...

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