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Design atypického sedacího prvku
Fojtíková, Michaela
The intention of this bachelor’s study is design of atypical seat element. The content is systematic creation process to achieve desired objective. The study includes theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with introduction into private and public interior with focus on coffeehouse catering industry. Further the study follows with the chapter sitting issue which contents demands on sitting furniture, security, typology, ergonomy and antropometry. The theoretical part finishes with the chapturerecherche shortly including history and development incl. sitting furniture market research. In the practical part we met with working process of single design incl. outlines, visualisations, technical portrays and set up of final design for functional prototype.

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4 Fojtíková, Marcela
2 Fojtíková, Markéta
4 Fojtíková, Martina
3 Fojtíková, Monika
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