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Student housing Brno
Fojtíková, Martina ; Šubrt, Jan (referee) ; Dulenčín, Juraj (advisor) ; Matějka, Libor (advisor)
This work contains technical drawings, architecture proposal and architecture detail of the Student housing Brno. Basis from proposal has been taken from my studio work in the 3rd semester. It was necessary to do some modifications during this work. The proposal pursues the integration of buildings into the urban environment in context with the surrounding buildings. The building program is based on individual solutions and compliance with general requirements. Proportioned property is located in the center of Brno in a vacant site on the street Novobranská near the main train station. The total area amounts to 411.27 square meters of land solved. The plot of land at the site of a vacant lot the city block between residential building and a multifunctional corner house. In the northeastern part of the plot follows the further construction of residential buildings. Land lengthwise cuts through the historic wall up to 1.5 meters. This proposal respects the historical monument and draws it into the design of the building. The building housing for students is designed as a six-storey building in a vacant site with a rugged facade towards the street. The basic idea of matter based on the architectural design of the original idea - work with light, preserving vegetation and efforts to build on the surrounding buildings. The aim was to create a peaceful living for young students in relation to the nearby center of Brno. Housing is proposed in deluxe category.
The Rehabilitation of the historical center and adjacent surroundings of Kyjov with a focus on the public space
Fojtíková, Martina ; Erben, Adam (referee) ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on the rehabilitation of adjacent surroundings of the historical center of Kyjov and revitalizing public spaces. Part of the thesis are the analysis of the current condition of the solved and affected area, problems evaluation and values of the territory and draft of a new building structure along with a working transport solution. The main criterion for the choice of the area to be solved for me was the problem of this locality with conjunction to industry area of the mills and a very small percentage of the quality of the territory. The mill site occupies almost a quarter of the area and together with surrounding buildings, makes a large impassable barrier in the city. The draft seeks to respond to the functioning state of the site and to rehabilitate the surrounding environment. Another factor for the selection of the territory was the unused potential of the river side Kyjovka flowing through the area. This area hides many other problems and there is no quality architecture. My task was to combine all aspects of the area and make the most of it for the draft. A new functional neighborhood of housing with public spaces and amenities is being designed on the area. The draft include 2 new streets, 4 public spaces, pedestrian zone, Kyjovka riverside, 45 new buildings and 10 reconstructed buildings. The concept of the area also concerns the transfer of the existing main railway station. The draft is also aimed on the main problem of Kyjov, as a growing age population, the poor quality of services and commuting to work.
The Rehabilitation of the historical center and adjacent surroundings of Kyjov with a focus on the public space
Fojtíková, Martina ; Erben, Adam (referee) ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on the rehabilitation of adjacent surroundings of the historical center of Kyjov and revitalizing public spaces. Part of the thesis are the analysis of the current condition of the solved and affected area, problems evaluation and values of the territory and draft of a new building structure along with a working transport solution. The main criterion for the choice of the area to be solved for me was the problem of this locality with conjunction to industry area of the mills and a very small percentage of the quality of the territory. The mill site occupies almost a quarter of the area and together with surrounding buildings, makes a large impassable barrier in the city. The draft seeks to respond to the functioning state of the site and to rehabilitate the surrounding environment. Another factor for the selection of the territory was the unused potential of the river side Kyjovka flowing through the area. This area hides many other problems and there is no quality architecture. My task was to combine all aspects of the area and make the most of it for the draft. A new functional neighborhood of housing with public spaces and amenities is being designed on the area. The draft include 2 new streets, 4 public spaces, pedestrian zone, Kyjovka riverside, 45 new buildings and 10 reconstructed buildings. The concept of the area also concerns the transfer of the existing main railway station. The draft is also aimed on the main problem of Kyjov, as a growing age population, the poor quality of services and commuting to work.
Student housing Brno
Fojtíková, Martina ; Šubrt, Jan (referee) ; Dulenčín, Juraj (advisor) ; Matějka, Libor (advisor)
This work contains technical drawings, architecture proposal and architecture detail of the Student housing Brno. Basis from proposal has been taken from my studio work in the 3rd semester. It was necessary to do some modifications during this work. The proposal pursues the integration of buildings into the urban environment in context with the surrounding buildings. The building program is based on individual solutions and compliance with general requirements. Proportioned property is located in the center of Brno in a vacant site on the street Novobranská near the main train station. The total area amounts to 411.27 square meters of land solved. The plot of land at the site of a vacant lot the city block between residential building and a multifunctional corner house. In the northeastern part of the plot follows the further construction of residential buildings. Land lengthwise cuts through the historic wall up to 1.5 meters. This proposal respects the historical monument and draws it into the design of the building. The building housing for students is designed as a six-storey building in a vacant site with a rugged facade towards the street. The basic idea of matter based on the architectural design of the original idea - work with light, preserving vegetation and efforts to build on the surrounding buildings. The aim was to create a peaceful living for young students in relation to the nearby center of Brno. Housing is proposed in deluxe category.

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2 Fojtíková, Markéta
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