National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
An assignment of employees to clients in a small bussiness
Lebr, Karel ; Skočdopolová, Veronika (advisor) ; Fiřtová, Lenka (referee)
Employee assignment to clients in the service sector is often a problem with simple intuitive solution but with the growing number of employees and clients, the complexity of the problem is increasing. For these purposes it is possible to use methods of operational research, more specifically linear or non-linear programming. In the context of assigning something to something else, we can talk more specifically about the assignment problem. This thesis deals with the question of how to assign employees to clients according to their time preferences, taking into account the policy of the company surveyed. For this purpose, a model has been created and implemented in the form of a general assignment problem with upper and lower limits on the number of clients assigned to one teacher. The task also uses the minimax principle. From the studied models, that closest to the reality was chosen and was implemented on a real problem.
The Practical Use of Rasch Model
Havelková, Natálie ; Sobíšek, Lukáš (advisor) ; Fiřtová, Lenka (referee)
The Item Response Theory represents a group of statistical models and tests which might be used for analyzing cathegorical data. One of the tools described in this theory is called the Rasch model. The main theme of this thesis is describing and practical use of the Rasch model, which is used for analyzing categorical data, such as answers to questions in a questionnaire or ability test. The SHARE project database will be used as a main source of data and R will be applied.
Comparison of alternative lift operation design using simulation
Jedlička, Martin ; Zouhar, Jan (advisor) ; Fiřtová, Lenka (referee)
The topic of this thesis is vertical transportation where multiple elevators are controlled by group traffic control. The elevators controlled by group traffic control are coordinated in order to work more efficiently than elevators that are only physically placed next to each other. The objective of this thesis is creation of a program, which allows modelling of operation of a lift triplex situated in Rajská building in Žižkov campus of the University of Economics in Prague. Applied method is discrete simulation performed in R software. Created script allows simulation of operation of elevators according to several described algorithms and subsequent comparison of their influence on the performance of the system. Using simulations the most suitable group traffic control is found and it is shown that shared memory used for cooperating units positively influence the service.
Item Response Theory and its Application in the National Comparative Exams
Fiřtová, Lenka ; Zouhar, Jan (advisor) ; Chvál, Martin (referee)
Item Response Theory, a psychometric paradigm for test development and evaluation, comprises a collection of models which enable the estimation of the probability of a correct answer to a particular item in the test as a function of the item parameters and the level of a respondent's underlying ability. This paper, written in cooperation with the company Scio, is focused on the application of Item Response Theory in the context of the National Comparative Exams. Its aim is to propose a test-equating procedure which would ensure a fair comparison of respondents' scores in the Test of General Academic Prerequisites regardless of the particular test administration.
Government development schemes in India - comparison of theory and reality
Fiřtová, Lenka ; Šaroch, Stanislav (advisor) ; De Castro, Tereza (referee)
The text analyses selected government development schemes in India. The first chapter briefly characterizes the economical and social situation in India. The second chapter focuses on the development and estimation of poverty and on the selection of possible beneficiaries of the schemes. The third chapter describes two selected schemes, Targeted Public Distribution System (a scheme for distribution of subsidized food) and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (a scheme ensuring a job for each family).

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