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Conceptual design of a lifting platform for immobile people
Blažek, Jan ; Zeizinger, Lukáš (referee) ; Škopán, Miroslav (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the issue of vertical lifting platforms for immobile persons. It describes the applicable legislative regulations for the construction, installation, and operation of these platforms, and analyzes current construction solutions and commercially available devices. The conclusion of the thesis presents an original conceptual design of a vertical lifting platform that meets all legislative and technical requirements.
Design of reinforced concrete structure of administration building
Blažek, Jan ; Girgle, František (referee) ; Šimůnek, Petr (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is the project of the foundational board and of reinforced concrete walls of the underground office building with respect to the limit state of crack width. There is designed the execution of joints of various parts of the construction against infiltration of groundwater into the interior. The drawing documentation of designed parts is performed there. In the theoretical part, there are logged the design principles and implementation of the white tubs.
Custom Compiled Fedora
Blažek, Jan ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Smrčka, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis is focused on design and implementation of toolchain for compilation and installation of RPM packages from SRPM packages in Fedora Linux distribution. Tools can be set up to modify compiler options and rpm macros. A tool for custom compilation of Linux kernel was also implemented. This tool builds the kernel with default options or according to configuration supplied by user. The toolchain was used to create customized distribution. Resulting distribution contains these tools for compilation and installation of additional software.
Analysis of Selected Indicators of the Hantály a.s. Company Using Time Series
Blažek, Jan ; Doubravský, Karel (referee) ; Kropáč, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the analysis of selected indicators of the company HANTÁLY a.s. using time series. The theoretical part describes time series, regression analysis and selected indicators of financial analysis. The practical part deals with the analysis of selected indicators of the company. Using time series methods and regression analysis will be set the prediction of future development of the company.
Netgraph Module in FreeBSD for Traffic Accounting
Blažek, Jan ; Kašpárek, Tomáš (referee) ; Čejka, Rudolf (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with modular kernel networking subsystem Netgraph in FreeBSD operating system. Netgraph is shown from user's point of view. This work describes several concrete modules, tools for Netgraph management and examples of usage. Part of the work is about implementation of Netgraph module for network traffic accounting. There are described some other kernel subsystems used by the module - kernel loadable modules, mbuf - memory management in kernel interprocess subsystem and sysctl interface for sharing kernel variables with user space programs.
Conversion of Grain Silo in Zlin
Blažek, Jan ; Štikar, Jaroslav (referee) ; Nový, Alois (advisor) ; Donaťáková, Dagmar (advisor)
The Bachelor’s Thesis is based on the architectural study which was done in the summer semester of the third year of my bachelor’s studies. The goal was to create an alternative way how to use this building. The new owner wants to use it mainly for storage and other, mainly auxiliary services. That is why concrete silos were torn down and the object should be turned into a standard multi-stage structure. The main idea of this work is to suggest alternatives what may remain a private initiative. Not only that would therefore not demand additional public expenditure, it could also attract a wide audience with its attractive content. The proposal outlines a friendly variant to the public resources and also has a positive economic benefit within the city of Zlin. That includes adding attractive features into the original grain silos‘ spaces – indoor skydiving, indoor diving, climbing wall etc. This would create an adrenaline centre accompanied with supporting features - commercial areas, a restaurant with a terrace and accommodation. Visual access to internal activities while maintaining the character of the Bata architecture from the main visual axis by this extraordinary object would not only be more attractive, it could also ensure its long-term future.
Urban study of development area city - Brno
Blažek, Jan ; Kabela, Miloš (referee) ; Sátora, Josef (advisor)
This diploma thesis is a urban study proposal of development area Brno – South. The design creates a new urban district with 2200 – 2500 new inhabitants, also new jobs are created in proposed industrial areas, office buildings and public facilities. The result of the thesis is a definition of the possible directions of the area’s development.
Promotion of the IT E-shop on the Social Networks
Blažek, Jan ; Brož, Zdeněk (referee) ; Dvořák, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with the promotion of IT Internet business on social networks. The theoretical part describes the social media and networking, marketing strategy and selected metrics and indicators on social networks. The practical part is dedicated to the analysis of actual company promotion on social networks. The promotion of the company will be compared with the competitors using selected metrics. On the basis of this analysis will be determined the proposal of amendment to the marketing strategy and communication on social networks.
Design of a Company Computer Network
Bílek, Pavel ; Blažek, Jan (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis deals with the problems of computer networks. Specifically, it deals with the analysis and design of computer network for new building, which is necessary to make a complete distribution and optimalization network necessary for the future operation of the company.

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