National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Blažek, Jakub ; Blaťák, Ondřej (referee) ; Hejtmánek, Petr (advisor)
This thesis presents a research of current driver assistance systems. First part of thesis describes sensors for driver assistance systems. Driver assistance systems are described in second part of this thesis, which also includes mention about their influence in active vehicle safety, their representation in legislature and estimation of their future development.
The use of air springs for race car
Blažek, Jakub ; Zháňal, Lubor (referee) ; Porteš, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis studies the use of air springs for race car, precisely Formula Student race car. Research part of the thesis deals with choosing suitable air spring for given application. In practical part, there is computation of parameters for appropriate setting of air spring, so it will comply with the rules of Formula Student. There is also simulation of air spring functionality in real use.
Reality Show Survivor: Competition, or Conflict?
Blažek, Jakub ; Hájek, Martin (advisor) ; Kolomoiets, Maksym (referee)
This thesis examines competition and conflict in the reality show Survivor. Its goal is to find out to what extent there are competitive and conflicting situations in the show, how they intertwine with each other, and how does this impact the final form of the show. In relation to this, the work also examines to what extent these interactions take place spontaneously, and to what extent they are constructed by the production of the show. It draws on academic literature on competition, conflict, and reality show, in order to backup the research with suitable theory. The research itself is done through the transcription of episodes of the reality show Survivor, which is then subjected to textual and contextual analysis. This enables subsequent interpretation of the findings. This interpretation shows that both competition and conflict have a central role in the show, and at the same time they are greatly interconnected. There is a lot of emphasis on competition in the show, which is especially noticeable during the challenges, where two tribes compete against each other. These challenges are bounded by rules, and they also offer a goal for which both tribes compete. To achieve this goal, it is neccessary to overcome the opponent's tribe. These situations are completely constructed by the production...
Acquisition of real property by non-residents in the Czech Republic
Blažek, Jakub ; Brodec, Jan (advisor) ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee)
Name of the thesis in English: The real property acquisitions by the non- residents in the Czech Republic. This thesis tries to resume the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents in Czech Republic because this topic became very important by the 1st of May 2009, when the first transition period of exemption from the free movement of capital within EU has ended in Czech Republic. At the beginning of the thesis I am trying to set up the topic from the view of the theory of International Private Law. In this part the thesis explains aspects of imperative law regulations which have to be applied every time, no matter which law rules the contract. Then the thesis explains the difference between obligation statute of the contract and effects of the contract on property rights, especially on the ownership transfer with respect to the regulations included in the Act on international private law. In next chapter the thesis summarizes the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents before the Czech Republic enters in EU. This part simply describes and explains single Acts and other regulations which were in force in the past. In the following chapter the thesis summarizes the present legal regulation included in the Act 219/1995 Coll.,...
Real ownership protection in chosen member states of EU with regard to the investment disputes
Blažek, Jakub ; Brodec, Jan (advisor) ; Kučera, Zdeněk (referee)
This thesis is focused on protection of real property ownership in chosen EU states. Above mentioned topic is explained from general point of view but the thesis especially aims on acquisition of real property by foreigners and its theoretical aspects from the international private law point of view also. At the end of the thesis the topic is also analyzed within the international investments protection. Key words: Foreigner, property, ownership
Acquisition of real property by non-residents in the Czech Republic
Blažek, Jakub ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee) ; Brodec, Jan (advisor)
Name of the thesis in English: The real property acquisitions by the non- residents in the Czech Republic. This thesis tries to resume the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents in Czech Republic because this topic became very important by the 1st of May 2009, when the first transition period of exemption from the free movement of capital within EU has ended in Czech Republic. At the beginning of the thesis I am trying to set up the topic from the view of the theory of International Private Law. In this part the thesis explains aspects of imperative law regulations which have to be applied every time, no matter which law rules the contract. Then the thesis explains the difference between obligation statute of the contract and effects of the contract on property rights, especially on the ownership transfer with respect to the regulations included in the Act on international private law. In next chapter the thesis summarizes the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents before the Czech Republic enters in EU. This part simply describes and explains single Acts and other regulations which were in force in the past. In the following chapter the thesis summarizes the present legal regulation included in the Act 219/1995 Coll.,...
The use of air springs for race car
Blažek, Jakub ; Zháňal, Lubor (referee) ; Porteš, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis studies the use of air springs for race car, precisely Formula Student race car. Research part of the thesis deals with choosing suitable air spring for given application. In practical part, there is computation of parameters for appropriate setting of air spring, so it will comply with the rules of Formula Student. There is also simulation of air spring functionality in real use.
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Blažek, Jakub ; Blaťák, Ondřej (referee) ; Hejtmánek, Petr (advisor)
This thesis presents a research of current driver assistance systems. First part of thesis describes sensors for driver assistance systems. Driver assistance systems are described in second part of this thesis, which also includes mention about their influence in active vehicle safety, their representation in legislature and estimation of their future development.

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27 BLAŽEK, Jiří
1 BLAŽEK, Josef
37 Blažek, Jan
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27 Blažek, Jiří
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