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Stabilizované močoviny se sírou ve výživě řepky ozimé
Bartoš, Vojtěch
This thesis evaluetid the influence stabilized urea with sulphur on the content of mineral nitrogen in soil, water-soluble sulphur in soil and substitution single cells in plants. Further it was valueted the yield and the oiliness of seeds. The experiment was provided in two experimental locations Žabčice and Vatín form of a small-scale experiment in a business year 2013/2014. Following variants were used in the experiment: 1. ALZON 46 + SA (1:1) 100 %, 2. ALZON 46 + SA (1:1) 80 %, 3. ALZON 25-6S 100 %, 4. ALZON 25-6S 80 %, 5. urea + SA. Fertilizer ALZON 46 + SA (1:1) 100 %, ALZON 25-6S 100 % and urea + SA were applied in fertiliser rate of 194 kg N/ha. Fertilizers , where the rate was reduced of 20 % was applied in fertiliser rate of 155 kg N/ha. In the locality Žabčice was the content Nmin (4. 4. 2014) highest with the variant ALZON 46 + SA (1:1) 100 %. The content water-soluble brimstone (4. 4. 2014) was highest with the variant ALZON 46 + SA (1:1) 80 %. The maximum substitution single macro elements according to unorganical analysis of plants (4. 4. 2014) achieved the variant ALZON 25-6S 100 % a 80 %. Single variants of fertilization did not have a statistically meaningful influence on the yield and the oiliness of seeds. The biggest economical efficiency achieved the variant urea + SA. This variant 1 ha of manure makes a profit 17 947 Kč. In the locality Vatín was the content Nmin (28. 5. 2014) highest with the variant ALZON 25-6S 80 %. The content water-soluble brimstone (18. 5. 2014) was highest with the variant ALZON 25-6S 100 %. Maximum substitution single macro elements according to unorganical analysis of plants (28. 4. 2014) achieved the variant ALZON 25-6S 100 % a 80 %. Single variants of fertilization did not have a statistically meaningful influence on the yield and the oiliness of seeds. The biggest economical efficiency achieved the variant ALZON 46 + SA gr. (1:1) 100 %. This variant 1 ha of manure makes a profit 26 960 Kč.
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The Performance Evaluation of the Company using Balanced Scorecard
Bartoníčková, Klára ; Pavláková Dočekalová, Marie (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
The diploma thesis focuses on the performance evaluation of the selected company XYZ, s. r. o. using the Balanced Scorecard method. The thesis includes three main parts. In the theoretical part, basic terms and knowledge are defined, which are important for the development of the analytical and proposal part. The analytical part deals with the introduction of the company and the analysis of the current state. This includes evaluating the financial situation and carrying out a strategic analysis of the selected company. The last part of the thesis is focused on the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard method, while recommendations and suggestions for improving the company's performance are proposed here, which are based on theoretical knowledge and the analytical part of the thesis.
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Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for its Improvement
Jelínek, Petr ; Sobotková, Nikola (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the assessment of the financial situation of SMC Industrial Automation CZ s. r. o. in the years 2018-2022. The work is divided into 3 parts. The first part is the theoretical part, where the basic concepts of financial analysis and their indicators are described. The second part is practical, which includes the calculation and evaluation of individual indicators. The last part is a proposal, where there are possibilities for improving the financial situation of the company. These proposals were consulted with the management of the company.
Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for its Improvement
Šolcová, Helena ; MBA, Tomáš Šafařík, (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
The bachelor thesis evaluates the financial situation of the company Dřevodílo Rousínov between the years 2018-2022 and presents proposals for the improvement. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part, individual indicators of financial analysis are defined, which are subsequently used in the practical part of the thesis. The practical part includes the current state of the company and calculations of individual indicators are performed. The last part contains an overall evaluation of the resulting calculations and suggestions for the improving the company’s financial situation.
Evaluation of the Company´s Financial Performance using Benchmarking Approach
Toman, Martin ; Štukavec, Jiří (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of the business and financial performance of the company SWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o. using the benchmarking method. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part contains the theoretical background necessary for addressing the given issue. The following chapter characterizes the examined company and also describes the strategic analysis of the enterprise. In the third part of this thesis, the actual benchmarking of the company with appropriately chosen competitive enterprises is conducted. The final part includes a detailed description of proposals for improving the business and financial performance of the company.
The Performance Evaluation of the Company using Balanced Scorecard
Muchová, Veronika ; Kubík, Tomáš (referee) ; Bartoš, Vojtěch (advisor)
The master‘s thesis evaluates the performance of an engineering company engaged in the production of agricultural machinery, analyzes the current situation between 2018 and 2022 and proposes the introduction of the Balanced Scorecard model. The thesis is divided into 3 parts, the first explains the goal of the work in details and the methods for its processing. The second part presents the theoretical side of the thesis, such as the explanation of the individual models of financial performance assessment, primarily the Balanced Scorecard model and its individual perspectives, including selected indicators of financial analysis needed for them. This knowledge is then practically used in the next part, which uses not only the financial statements of the company and the indicators gradually calculated from them, but mainly the individual perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard model, the set strategic goals of these perspectives and strategic actions leading to the fulfillment of the set values. Last but not least, the work is concluded with a summary evaluation of the proposal to introduce the Balanced Scorecard model into the company, together with possible benefits and risks of introduction, including their analysis and measures.