National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Career in Polymers XI, Book of Abstracts
Kobera, Libor
The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the Career in Polymers XI., workshop organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, in Prague, 28-29 June, 2019. This meeting was organized under the auspices of UNESCO/IUPAC course in Polymer Science, and supported by Strategy AV21.
Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers in Medicine 2019 - Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /83./
Etrych, Tomáš ; Chytil, Petr
The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference “Polymers in Medicine 2019”. The participants presented 43 lectures and 35 posters. Main conference topics were: Polymers for nanomedicine, Stimuliresponsive polymers, Polymers for advanced drug delivery, Polymers for biomedical applications, Biomaterials for tissue engineering.
X. Czech-Slovak Conference POLYMERS 2018. Book of Abstracts
Chytil, Petr
The book of abstracts contains summaries of all contributions to the 10th Czech-Slovak Conference POLYMERS 2018, organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the CAS in Třešť, October 2-5, 2018. There were 31 lectures and 19 posters presented at the conference.
Career in Polymers X, Book of Abstracts
Kobera, Libor
The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the Career in Polymers X. workshop organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, in Prague, 22-23 June, 2018. This meeting was organized under the auspices of UNESCO/IUPAC course in Polymer Science, and supported by Strategy AV21 and Draslovka a.s.
Booklet. Workshop on Solid-State NMR & Computational Methods /11./
Brus, Jiří
11th Workshop on Solid-State NMR & Computational Methods with the subtitle „Why structural information are important for industrial applications”.

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