National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.05 seconds. 
"A universally usable, exceptionally diligent, accurate and reliable officer": the forgotten historical geographer and archivist Josef Paldus and his involvement in the Czechoslovak-Austrian archive separation
Chodějovská, Eva
Many details were known about Josef Paldus´s (1863-1937) life, but none has offered a complete bibliography and a comprehensive curriculum vitae, which would include all the periods of his life and his rich activities. The aim of this paper is to fullfil the gap. Josef Paldus, a military man, who served in the Austrian State Archives in the Department of Cartography (Kriegsarchiv), participated in the Czechoslovak-Austrian archive separation and was one of the most important fellow worker of Zdeněk Wirth in the 1920s and 1930s. Moreover, he was a patriot of his native town Gablonz (Jablonec nad Nisou).

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