National Repository of Grey Literature 330 records found  beginprevious304 - 313nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Legal regulation of the disposal of packaging and package waste
Šmahová, Lucie ; Sobotka, Michal (advisor) ; Žákovská, Karolina (referee)
9. Resumé Legal regulation of the disposal of packaging and package waste Key words: Waste Byproduct of each human activity, according to the Waste act any movable thing which person intends to dispose of or has a duty to dispose of and which is a defined in Schedule Packaging Any product regardless of used material that is intended for the containment, protection, manipulation, supply or presentation Directive Type of secondary European legislation, which contains the binding objectives for member states to be achieved, but the way of incorporation to domestic legal system demands on each states I have chosen the topic Legal regulation of the disposal of packaging and package waste as my Master degree topic, because the waste is one of the most important problems of modern civilisation and I am really interested in protection of environment. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse European legislation and Czech legislation. The thesis is composed of four chapters. First chapter is devoted to general introduction to waste and waste package. I used some statistics and the last part I devoted to actual problematic concerning the Word crisis and its impact on the secondary raw material market. The second chapter deals with European law regulation. The main part of this chapter concerning the regulation of...
Protection of the environment in Antarctica
Součková, Ivana ; Žákovská, Karolina (advisor) ; Snopková, Tereza (referee)
73 ENGLISH SUMMARY Environmental Protection in Anarctica The main goal of my thesis is to describe and explain the legal structure and guaranteed environmental protection of the last continent. I want to deal with the very special legal system that governs Antarctica and is possible only because of the consensus of states that declared their territotial claims to this continent. My paper is devided into three main parts, namely, Introduction to Antarctica, The Antarctic Treaty System, The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, and The Czech Republic and the Antarctica. 1. Introduction to Antarctica I devoted the first part of my thesis to introducing the last continent and its special features. I mentioned the evolution of the continent, the first men who explored Antarctica, its climate, fauna and flora in the area covered by the Antarctic Treaty. I also included tourism and the growing number of visitors to Antarctica every year. 2. Antarctic Treaty System The roots of the special legal regime and the protection of the Antarctic environment are based on the Antarctic Treaty concluded in Washington, DC, in 1959. Since then, other legal instruments have been adopted and are part of the Antarctic Treaty System: Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals, Convention on the...
Institutional safeguarding of environmental protection in the Czech Republic
Veselský, Martin ; Snopková, Tereza (referee) ; Žákovská, Karolina (advisor)
104 Resumé - Summary Institutional Assurance of Environmental Protection in the Czech Republic The main aim of this work is to describe the principles, mechanisms and forms of institutional assurance of environmental protection in the Czech Republic. This thesis covers primarily the public-law institutions with the scope on the organisation of public administration in the area of environmental protection. The work consists of six parts. The first, general part begins with a definition of the term "Environment". This is followed by a description of the function of a state in the area of environmental protection, and means of assuring the protection - for which the state involvement is indispensable. The importance of environmental law is emphasized, and the basic principles of public administration operation are outlined. This part also contains a list of relevant sources of law of the environmental protection institutional assurance in the Czech Republic. The second part focuses on the role of individual government organisations in environmental protection. Described in detail, is the function of the legislative power and the four components of judicial power (civil, criminal, administration, and constitutional justice). Furthermore - as a key factor of the actual environmental protection assurance, the...
Legal regulation of apiculture
Svobodová, Lenka ; Žákovská, Karolina (referee) ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor)
73 LEGAL REGULATIONS OF BEEKEEPING SUMMARY Beekeeping is one of the oldiest hobbies all aroud the world. People used to breed bees many many years ago and it caused a necessity to regulate the relationships between beekeepers and between beekeepers and the state by law. First proper beelaw originated in the time of Marie Terezie in the 18th century. Later on was beekeeping regulated in many fractional laws, but the most important was the Civil code, which we still use nowadays. This code solves the most important questions of beekeeping as the possesion of bees and lhe liabilitity of beekeepers. The codes have to protect bees on one side and also people on the other side. Bees have to be protected from different kinds of fertilizers which are often used to keep plants fresh and healthy. The planters must obey several rules and in case of breaking these rules they can be punished. If the protection of people is concerned, the beekeepers must be careful where to put their hives, so that the bees don't disturbe other people too much. If the beedisturbing is untolerable, the beekeeper can be brought to the court. The beekeepers have to take care of their bees properly. They must be careful when they want to replace the hives, they must protect the bees from the beediseases and if they find out a disease, their...
The role of state in securing nuclear safety
Houšková, Ivana ; Žákovská, Karolina (referee) ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor)
102 Summary The role of state in providing nuclear safety The goal of this paper is to reflect on development, present situation and future progress in nuclear safety in Czech republic, European Communities and whole world. This thesis in composed of eight chapters. The first chapter describes general use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation. The second chapter presents definition of nuclear safety. The third chapter outlines work of international organizations in nuclear safety (especially Internalional Atomic Energy Agency and Western European Nuclear Ragulators' Association) and mentions international treaties dealing with nuclear safety and related topics. The fourth chapter looks at creation of community framework of nuclear safety. The fifth chapter includes information about development of atomic law in Czech republic with emphasis on creation of Act No. 18/1997 Coll on Peaceful Utilisation of Nuclear Energy and Ionising Radiation (Atomic Act). The largest chapter is the sixth chapter which describes providing nuclear safety in Czech republic today. This chapter describes nuclear safety, radiation protection, emergency preparadenes, liability and waste management safety fundamentals in its subchapters, but main attention is paied to The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB). The first part of...
Legal regulation of veterinary care
Sobotová, Kateřina ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Žákovská, Karolina (referee)
54 Závěr Veterinární péče zahrnuje rozsáhlou škálu činností, které jsou v rozdílné míře upraveny v právních pramenech. Mezinárodní právo se věnuje jen některým z nich. Do popředí zde vystupuje Dohoda o uplatňování sanitárních a fytosanitárních opatření, která byla uzavřena v rámci WTO. Tato dohoda totiž dokládá, že veterinární opatření ovlivňují i mezinárodní obchod mezi státy, proto je snaha harmonizovat tato opatření na mezinárodní úrovni. SPS se vztahuje na všechna sanitární a fytosanitární opatření, která mohou přímo nebo nepřímo ovlivňovat mezinárodní obchod. Státy totiž zavádí sanitární a fytosanitární opatření k zajištění bezpečnosti potravin pro spotřebitele a chrání zvířata a rostliny před šířením různých škůdců a nemocí. Sanitární opatření jsou zaměřena na lidské zdraví a zdraví zvířat, fytosanitární pak na zdraví rostlin. Cílem SPS je zakotvit pevná a jasná pravidla, která mají bránit skrytým bariérám v mezinárodním obchodě. V návaznosti na tento cíl se pak rozvíjí i zabezpečení zdraví lidí a zvířat. SPS tak přispívá k naplňování základních principů WTO, kterými jsou nediskriminace, volný obchod, předvídatelnost a transparentnost. Podobné cíle lze pak sledovat i v evropské právní úpravě. Veterinární legislativa se zde mimo jiné opírá i o ta ustanovení primárního práva, která mají podporovat volný...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 330 records found   beginprevious304 - 313nextend  jump to record:
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4 Žákovská, Karolína
2 Žákovská, Kateřina
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