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Internet marketing of digital infoproducts
Šebor, Ondřej ; Očko, Petr (advisor) ; Dombrovská, Michaela (referee)
This diploma thesis introduces alternative online marketing of digital infoproducts, it's position in the marketing area and it's advantages. Explains and evaluates principles and techniques of alternative online marketing. Shows advantages of using modern internet technologies in area of internet marketing and introduces with main traffic generation techniques including affiliate marketing. Shows main types of information products, processes of their creation and releasing these products on the market. Meets reader with requirements of important parts of information products. It deals with increasing profitability of information business. This diploma thesis tests 50 digital infoproducts and evaluates them. SWOT analysis holistically evaluates alternative online marketing of digital infoproducts as an industry.
Volume measurement discharge in surface runoff for refine continuous measurement
ŠEBOR, Ondřej
The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes issues associated with runoff and discharge, methods for discharge measurement and measurements of uncertainties. The practical part of the thesis describes a specific process flow measurement in Kopaninský and Jenínský stream. There is a familiarization with the water flow velocity measurement and comparison methods of volume measurement discharge with continuous measurement. The results of the practical part served to refine the rainfall-runoff processes in research catchment areas. Refined values of the flow rate were used as input data for the calculation of the runoff coefficient and for quantifying the losses of nutrients from the catchment areas. Calculation of the runoff coefficient and nutrient losses were compared for the original and the revised equation discharge curve. Volume measurement discharge has shown that the different conditions above measurement weir during continuous monitoring lead to the uncertainties of measurement. That´s why one has to approach to each flowmeasurement individually and consider the situation in a particular installation.
Methods for discharge measurement in surface runoff - measurement of uncertainties.
ŠEBOR, Ondřej
The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes issues associated with runoff and discharge, methods for discharge measurement and measurements of uncertainties. In the practical part of the thesis a specific process flow measurement in Kopaninský stream is describes. The water flow velocity measurement is described and comparison of methods volume measurement discharge with continuous measurement is carried out. The purpose of this work is to gain more accurate data inputs for modeling of rainfall-runoff processes, especially in the calibration and validation stage, as well as for hydrological analysis and other studies conducted in research projects. Often due to different conditions upstream the weirs incorrect results may occur during measurements, so it is important to ensure verification of universal equations in the field with other methods of discharge measurement for further appropriate application. The result of this work is literature overview concerning runoff measurements techniques and measurements uncertainties serving as a basis for the continuation of the thesis. Further the results of practical part are used for primary verifications of continuous discharge monitoring and determination of a new equation of consumption curve.

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3 ŠEBOR, Ondřej
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