National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Psychological Prose by Regina Ezera
Říhová, Monika ; Lemeškin, Ilja (advisor) ; Štoll, Pavel (referee)
ABSTRACTS This thesis is concerned with the psychological prose by Regīna Ezera. The first chapter gives an insight into the writer's personality. The chapter also outlines the situation in Latvian literature in the period from the restoration of Soviet occupation at the end of World War II throughout the 1990s. The following two chapters are devoted to the analysis of specific Ezera's works, namely three works that were translated into the Czech language (The Well, Aka, 1972, Summer Lasted for Just One Day, Vasara bija tikai vienu dienu, 1974, A Man Needs a Dog, Cilvēkam vajag suni, 1975) and some works that have not yet been translated (Smouldering Fires, Zemdegas, 1977, A Dragon's Egg, Pūķa ola, 1995 and some short proses included in the book The Princess Phenomenon, Princeses Fenomens, 1985 especially so-called zoological novellas and so-called crazy stories). The fourth chapter contains a translation of the short story called August, Month of Apples, Augusts, ābolu mēness included in the book The Princess Phenomenon. The translation is the original work by the author of the thesis. In the final chapter the main features of analysed works are summarised.
Approach of entrepreneurs to delegate responsibilities as the necessary condition of the firms' growth
Říhová, Monika ; Lukeš, Martin (advisor) ; Procházka, David Anthony (referee)
The master thesis deals with delegating of the work in small, rapidly growing companies. The main objective is to determine what approaches entrepreneurs apply to delegate in the growth phase of the company. The theoretical part describes the relevant theoretical concepts such as business growth, human resources in the company, analysis of entrepreneurs' work time and the work delegating. There are presented results of foreign research in this thesis that serves as the basis for my own investigation. In the methodical part the methods used and the research process are being specified together with the criteria for selecting the sample of respondents and subsequent data analysis procedure. The empirical part examines a sample of 12 entrepreneurs and presents the results of the investigation. The opinions of 97 subordinates of individual entrepreneurs are also included. Results of the research lead to the conclusion that entrepreneurs often do not use the potential of described managerial techniques, even if it would lead to the benefit of further development of the company.
The economic evaluation of beef cattle breeding
Říhová, Monika ; Toušová, Renata (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The objective of this dissertation is the evaluation of economic indicators of beef cattle farming on a specific family farm in the time period from 2013 to 2015 in Bukovina u Čisté village, Semily District. The family focuses on a crop and livestock production. The farming takes place on 110 hectares of land, the fertile ground makes 54 ha. The livestock production concentrates on breeding cows without any milk production and the bulls fattening. The amount of cows was 23 pieces to 27 pieces in the period from 2013 to 2015. Because of the crossbreeding the cows following breeds are represented: Czech Pied cattle (20 %), Limousin (72 %) and Charolais (8 %). In the bulls fattening area were more breeds represented caused by the purchased bulls. Breeds represented: Limousin (32 %), Czech Pied cattle (42 %), Blonde d Aquitaine (1 %), Aberdeen Angus (23 %) and Holstein cattle (3 %). The processing and evaluation of economic results was prevented by factors affecting the economics of farming. In the reproduction part are the factors - the calving interval, the age structure of the cows and the scatter of births during the year. The bulls fattening part contains the research of the bulls breeds representation, age structure and carcass weight. The economic indicators consist of the evaluation of the costs, revenues, profit and the level of profitability. The breeding was evaluated in the conclusion of this dissertation and the suggestions for improvement was recommended. The calving interval of the cows in 2013 lasted on average of 408 days, in 2014 decreased by 9 % to 373 days, and in 2015 decreased by further 9 % up to 337 days. Heifers reached 3 years of age at birthing. The oldest cows were 11 years old. The biggest group of cows was at the age of 7 years with a 27 % share. The Breeders preference is the calving during the winter to spring time period. In 2013 the birthing period lasted from February to July, in 2014 from March, except June and August, until October and in 2015 from February to August. For the entire period was 76 % of births in the barn and 24 % of births on pasture. In the entire period 76 % of births happened in the barn and 24 % of births on pasture. The bulls fattening contained 42 % of own breeding and the next part consist of purchased bulls. The largest group of bulls are Czech Pied cattle constituting of 42 %. Limousin Bulls breeds and Aberdeen Angus breeds created 21 % and 79 % out of that are owned by the breeder. The best average of hot carcass weight (HCW) was 399kg at Aberdeen Angus breed. The value of the carcass at Limousin bulls was 8 % lower and the bulls of the Czech Pied cattle was more than 20 % lower. The slaughter bulls were sold at an average age of 23 months and HCW 344 kg in 2013, in 2014 at the average age of 24 months and HCW 379 kg, in 2015 at the average age of 22 months and HCW 330 kg. The highest variability was recorded in the year 2015 with a value of 34,63 % and the lowest in 2013 with 8,80 %. During the time period the highest cost entry has not changed. Just the share was different. The feed entry share was at 61,7 % in 2013, at 68,89 % in 2014 and at 52,30 % in 2015. 95,7 % of the total cost was assigned to the own feeding. The expenses in 2013 were 912 919 CZK, in 2014 dropped to 845 368 CZK and in 2015 increased to 1 213 190 CZK. The cost of one feeding day per cattle in 2013 was 28,10 CZK, in 2014 decreased to 26,02 CZK and in 2015 increased to 37,35 CZK. The revenues were affected by the sale of cattle for slaughter. In 2013 was sold 21 pieces of cattle for a total amount of 545 040 CZK, in 2014 was sold 32 pieces of bulls in the total value of 977 643 CZK and in 2015 36 pieces of bulls in the total amount of 867 885,60 CZK. The sales of slaughter units in the total amount of revenue in 2013 did the share of 68,61 %, in 2014 increased to 72,25 % and in 2015 decreased to 59,20 %. In 2015 was the receipt share from slaughter bulls of 30 % based on the sale of alive bulls to Austria. Total revenues in 2013 were 823 517 CZK, in 2014 increased by 39 % to 1 353 080 CZK and in 2015 increased by 7 % to 1 466 062 CZK. The Profit was calculated in 2013 as a loss in the value of 89 402 CZK. In the subsequent years there was a profit. In 2014 profit in the amount of 507 712 CZK and in 2015 the profit decreased to 252 872 CZK. The profit ratio in 2013 amounted to a negative value - 10 %, in 2014 increased to 60 % and in 2015 dropped to 21 %.
Conceptualisation of Art: Negation of Form and the Problem of Nature of Conceptual Art.
ŘÍHOVÁ, Monika
The bachelor thesis deals with the problematic aspects of avant-garde, which were amplified and developed in the postwar movement known as neo-avant-garde in visual art, and especially with its conceptual tendencies which represent constant challenge for current aesthetics. Firstly the basis of aesthetic theory of art will be outlined in order to explain and show where the critique of aesthetics by conceptual artists is leading to. Then it introduces possibilities and limits of selected definition strategies, character of the relationship of conceptual art to other types of art and non-artistic activities, especially its approach to the philosophy and science. The key points of this thesis are: What is conceptualism? What transforms the neo-avant-garde pieces of works into art? Can we apply aesthetic categories at conceptualism? In which way does the conceptual piece work as a symbol?

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2 ŘÍHOVÁ, Marcela
2 ŘÍHOVÁ, Markéta
10 ŘÍHOVÁ, Martina
4 ŘÍHOVÁ, Michala
1 ŘÍHOVÁ, Miloslava
2 Říhová, Marcela
2 Říhová, Marie
2 Říhová, Markéta
10 Říhová, Martina
4 Říhová, Michaela
4 Říhová, Michala
4 Říhová, Miroslava
6 Říhová, Monika
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