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Sedimenty jako dynamická zásoba fosforu ve stratifikované nádrži
Borovec, Jakub ; Hejzlar, Josef ; Brzáková, Martina ; Jan, J.
The ecosystem of the small, dimictic, and hypertrophic reservoir (Jordan Reservoir, Czech Republic) was studied from March 2001 till March 2004 to evaluate rates at selected pathways in the P-cycle. The rates were inferred from measurement of P mass-balance, sedimentation of seston, and P-release from sediments. A shift between seasonal changes of inflow and outflow P concentrations caused by P accumulation in the hypolimnion and the sediments was demonstrated. An important amount of P was temporally retained at the sediment surface during the summer stratification but a part of it was released back to water during the autumnal mixing, due to pore water „flushing out” and fast organic matter decomposition.
Modelování hydrodynamiky a kvality vody v dimiktické nádrži – nádrž Jordán, Česká republika
Hejzlar, Josef ; Jarošík, Jiří ; Borovec, Jakub ; Růžička, Martin
The two-dimensional, dynamic model CE-QUAL-W2 was used to model water quality of a small, highly eutrophic reservoir with intensive nutrient cycling between the water column and bottom sediment. The model was calibrated and evaluated for a 4-year, hydrologically variable period and used in a scenario simulation study to analyse effects of the changing external and internal phosphorus loading and depth of outflow to trophic conditions and water quality. The reservoir hydrodynamics were simulated with good precision in all parts of the seasonal cycle and during the whole period. Water quality and nutrient cycling could be calibrated and simulated with satisfactory results for individual years, however, an extrapolation of model to conditions with different nutrient loading was problematic. It spite of this partial limitation, the model was found appropriate for water quality evaluation and prediction in Jordan Reservoir.
Transport fosforu v říční síti podhorského povodí se smíšeným využitím uzemí (povodí Malše, ČR)
Turek, Jan ; Hejzlar, Josef ; Žaloudík, Jiří
Phosphorus sources and transport in the river network were evaluated for a medium size (437 km2), upland catchment with mixed land use (forests, farmland, urban) located in South Bohemia during 1999-2003. Dissolved P concentrations in streams in completely forested catchments, farmland catchments, and municipal wastewater treatment plant (WTP) effluents were /~0.015, <0.01 to 0.25, and up to 2 mg/l, respectively. High particulate P concentrations (up to 0.6 mg/l) occurred in all streams during surface runoff events, irrespective to land use, and even higher in WTP effluents (up to /~4 mg/1). Analysis of P fluxes in the river network showed a significant annual retention of both dissolved P (26 to 41% of all sources) and particulate P (27 to 67% of all sources).