National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Temoporfin-conjugated upconversion nanoparticles for NIR-induced photodynamic therapy of pancreatic cancer
Shapoval, Oleksandr ; Větvička, D. ; Kabešová, M. ; Engstová, Hana ; Horák, Daniel
Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a clinically approved cancer treatment strategy, has the potential to cure pancreatic cancer with minimal side effects. PDT primarily uses visible wavelengths to directly activate hydrophobic photosensitizers, which may be insufficient for deep-seated cancer cells in clinical practice due to poor penetration. Upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) serve as an indirect excitation source to activate photosensitizers (PSs) in the NIR region, overcoming the limitations of molecular PSs such as hydrophobicity, non-specificity, and excitation in the UV/Vis region. Here, monodisperse upconversion NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+, Fe2+ nanoparticles (UCNPs) have been surface-engineered with poly(methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic acid) (PMVEMA) and temoporfin (mTHPC), a clinically used PDT prodrug, for near-infrared (NIR) light-triggered PDT of pancreatic cancer. The incorporation of Fe2+ ions into the particles increased the fluorescence intensity in the red region matching the activation wavelength of mTHPC. Covalent binding of mTHPC to the surface of UCNP@PMVEMA particles provided colloidally stable conjugates enabling generation of singlet oxygen. In vitro cytotoxicity and photodynamic activity of the particles were evaluated using INS-1E rat insulinoma and Capan-2 and PANC-01 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. The PDT efficacy of UCNP@PMVEMA-mTHPC conjugates after irradiation with 980 nm NIR light was tested in vivo in a pilot study on Capan-2 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma growing subcutaneously in athymic nude mice. The intratumoral administration of the nanoconjugates significantly hindered tumor growth and demonstrated promising PDT efficacy against human pancreatic cancer.
Biological characteristics of polysccharide based contrast agents for cancer diagnostics
Křivánková, Markéta ; Jirák, Daniel (advisor) ; Shapoval, Oleksandr (referee) ; Vannucci, Luca Ernesto (referee)
Despite all the progress made in the treatment of cancer in recent years, it is still necessary to continue with the research of more effective and specific drugs. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in personalized medicine and its application through drug delivery systems, which could help increase the specificity of cancer treatment and subsequently its effectiveness. Drug delivery systems can use different platforms for their design, whether they are liposomes, micelles, nano crystals or others. A very interesting platform for the construction of drug delivery systems are polysaccharides, which were, as carriers of contrast agents in order to effectively display tumours, characterized in this doctoral thesis. But polysaccharides are interesting for more reasons. Both by its availability, and by its biocompatibility and non-toxic character. In this doctoral thesis we deal with two types of polysaccharides conjugates with linked contrast agents for magnetic resonance and fluorescent imaging. The first type of polysaccharide is glycogen, the second is mannan. Both constructs - glycogen and mannan based, were synthesized in a version with and without polymethyloxazolin, which should prolong their circulation in the organism. Both types of polysaccharide conjugates used passive...

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