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Analýza a porovnání stavu stromů ve dvou parkových plochách v Litomyšli a Brně
Sedláková, Kateřina
This bachellor work deals with the evaluation of the condition of trees using the methology of a visual assesment of trees in selected areas of Litomyšl such as the park near the Smetana's House and Brno Lužánky. My bachellor work also deals with the design of cultivation, the analysis of conditions of both sites and comparison of the conditions of trees in selected areas due to the influence of site conditions in two cities with different population.
Memory for nonverbal material in patients with mild cognitive impairment
Sedláková, Kateřina ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor) ; Stehlík, Luděk (referee)
Patients with amnestic type of mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) are diagnosed mainly on the basis of performance in verbal memory tests. This thesis deals with the use of a nonverbal test called the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT-R) for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This research compared the performance of patients with clinical diagnosis of MCI (N=79) using the BVMT-R with the performance of these patients using the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), the AVLT being a validated instrument for differentiating aMCI patients from healthy control patients. Both tests follow a similar design paradigm, but they differ in the type of stimuli measured: the BVMT-R tests memory for nonverbal material and the AVLT tests for verbal material. Results showed that there is a moderate correlation between scores (total score, delayed recall score) of the BVMT-R and equivalent scores of the AVLT. Further analyses of performance of MCI patients in both tests (in total scores and delayed recall scores) identified that there was a proportion of patients tested using the BVMT-R with memory impairment that did not show any memory impairment using the AVLT. Our findings indicate a favorable diagnostic potential of BVMT-R in the diagnostics of mild cognitive impairment. Keywords:...
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Memory for nonverbal material in patients with mild cognitive impairment
Sedláková, Kateřina ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor) ; Stehlík, Luděk (referee)
Patients with amnestic type of mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) are diagnosed mainly on the basis of performance in verbal memory tests. This thesis deals with the use of a nonverbal test called the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT-R) for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This research compared the performance of patients with clinical diagnosis of MCI (N=79) using the BVMT-R with the performance of these patients using the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), the AVLT being a validated instrument for differentiating aMCI patients from healthy control patients. Both tests follow a similar design paradigm, but they differ in the type of stimuli measured: the BVMT-R tests memory for nonverbal material and the AVLT tests for verbal material. Results showed that there is a moderate correlation between scores (total score, delayed recall score) of the BVMT-R and equivalent scores of the AVLT. Further analyses of performance of MCI patients in both tests (in total scores and delayed recall scores) identified that there was a proportion of patients tested using the BVMT-R with memory impairment that did not show any memory impairment using the AVLT. Our findings indicate a favorable diagnostic potential of BVMT-R in the diagnostics of mild cognitive impairment. Keywords:...
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Individual planning as a tool of quality increasing social service of personal assistance in people with disability and seniors in Praha
This diploma thesis is concerned with individual planning with regard to the social service of personal assistance. The theoretical part contains a description of the origin and history of personal assistance in the world and in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part elaborates in detail on the no. 5 standard of quality of services provided and its four criteria. It also provides an overview of existing approaches toward individual planning of the social service of personal assistance for the target group of people with physical disabilities and seniors, including their positives and negatives, which the system of individual planning brings to providers of the social service of personal assistance and its users. The diploma thesis had two goals. The first was to ascertain the value of individual planning for users of the social service of personal assistance. The second was to assess the benefits that individual planning brings to organizations that provide the social service of personal assistance to people with serious physical disabilities and seniors with regard to improving the efficacy of the work of their employees. The practical part is based on qualitative research, with the main method of data collection being semi-structured interviews. The results showed that users do not see a major change in the way personal assistance is provided after the introduction of the individual planning system when compared to the situation before. Users mainly appreciated the fact that assistants are well-prepared even before the provision of assistance starts. This factor was unequivocally praised as a positive and a reason why individual planning should be introduced. In conclusion, the only negative aspect of individual planning for the employees was considered to be a higher administrative load, which, however, they were able to handle in the end, according their responses. On the other hand, both groups considered the greater level of preparedness of the social workers ? personal assistants during their social work a big benefit.
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Education child with autism and cerebral palsy at Kindergarten, Horáčkova in Prague.
The Bachelor's Dissertation is divided into two parts. The theoretical part includes the outlining of the autism syndrome and its specific symptoms at preschool children with this diagnosis. The life of a family with a child with the PAS syndrome and relating possibilities of preschool care for children with PAS in the Czech Republic are discribed within th framework of this Dissertation as well. The Dissertation states also the most frequent methods used during the work with children with PAS in the preschool age, demonstrations of problematic behaviour and possible approaches to its solution. The practical part of the Bachelor's Dissertation deals with specified targets. The objectives were achieved with the help of the qualitative research method, namely the case study. This research was using research approaches: observation, content analysis of data and structured interviews with parents, pedagogical staff in the class and personal asistants of the boy. The target sample was a boy with autism and infantile cerebral palsy The first aim is a partical demonstration of functioning of a peschool facility for children with PAS. It namely concerns a description of functioning of a class for chidren with autistic spectrum disruptions at the Kindergarten, Horáčkova street in Prague. The Dissertation describes the method of structured learning and solution to certain types of problematic behaviour occurring at children attending this class. The other aim was casuististics of the autistic boy with infantile cerebral palsy, who attends the autistic spectrum disruptions at the Kindergarten, Horáčkova street in Prague. This objective deals with the issues of assingnment of a child with multiple dysfunctions in institutions of special pedagogical care and indicates practical possibilities of general development of the child with multiple dysfunctions, at the same time the Dissertation describe various difficulties relating to the general care for children with multiple dysfnctions. Th concerned chapter contains also finding possibilities for further continuation of the child's education.
Financování a plnění rozpočtu územních samosprávných celků v konkrétních podmínkách města Plánice
Sedláková, Kateřina ; Nováková, Štěpánka (advisor)
Bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice financování a plnění rozpočtu územních samosprávných celků v České republice. Teoretická část je zaměřena na právní vymezení obce, její působnost a orgány. Důraz je kladen zejména na rozpočtové příjmy a výdaje a rozpočtový proces. Praktická část je zaměřena na aplikaci teoretických poznatků na konkrétní podmínky města Plánice. Po krátkém přiblížení tohoto města jsou podrobně analyzovány rozpočtové příjmy a výdaje v letech 2005 a 2006. A poté následuje závěrečné zhodnocení plnění rozpočtu v těchto letech.